Tumbling blocks and other 3D attempts

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
Here are some attempts at 3D. Still pursuing more accuracy.
Critiques always welcome.


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I like the ones laying down in the 2nd picture the best, mainly because they are more precise than the other one. You are pushing the envelope with these though.
Alan you must be seeing tiny pieces of wood in your sleep. This is some really incredible work you are doing with these. The one with the dark end caps in the second picture is my favorite.
I like the ones laying down in the 2nd picture the best, mainly because they are more precise than the other one. You are pushing the envelope with these though.
Ken, I still try to get accurate cuts with these small pieces which is difficult on the table saw. I need one of your many jig designs to help!!!
I'm now working on jig no. 4.
Alan you must be seeing tiny pieces of wood in your sleep. This is some really incredible work you are doing with these. The one with the dark end caps in the second picture is my favorite.
Here's a couple of photographs showing the process.


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Ken, I still try to get accurate cuts with these small pieces which is difficult on the table saw. I need one of your many jig designs to help!!!
I'm now working on jig no. 4.
Your precision on these is steadily improving, yup, jigs, as you know, are key.
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