Tragedy at Fort Hood!!

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Aug 5, 2008
Hawley, Pennsylvania
I just wanted to send my Prayers to the families and brave soldiers at Fort Hood.
Today, a Major Malik Nadal Hasan went on a shooting rampage that killed 11 and injured 21 others. There is a rumor that Hasan was a recent Islamic convert. There was also word that the two accomplices are Islamic as well. I don't know how much truth there is in any of this, but it is still scary.
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I have been following the story and have many friends on other forums praying for the victims and their families. We have suffered a TERRIBLE loss today. We must pray that no more die than already have.

I won't comment on the other aspects of this as it isn't the right time. Suffice it to say, there are going to be a LOT of tough questions asked down in Killeen.
My thoughts and prayers are with the families and fellow soldiers of those killed and injured at Fort Hood and their community. The following days are going to be difficult.
I feel sorry for the families and those injured and killed by this very disturbed person. I think it is important to find all the facts and not assume that it has anything to do with the individual being of middle eastern descent. I think that he is mentally ill, is suffering from dealing of the psychological aspects of the horror of war, that he was not able to deal with his upcoming dispatch to the Middle East, and truly had a mental breakdown.
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