Tool rest

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Group Buy Coordinator
Mar 4, 2005
Pearland, Texas, USA.
I in the market for a new tool rest for my Jet 1236. I know there have been discussions here in the past about the best place to get one, but the past 3 times I've tried to do a search it times out on me. So, can anyone point me in the right direction or offer suggestions as to upgrades in tool rests?
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I'm looking for something similar to this one from Woodcraft -
Mannie,try these guys:
They're right down the road from me and I get most all my turning supplies from them. Great customer service and FAST shipping.
Originally posted by rherrell
<br />Mannie,try these guys:
They're right down the road from me and I get most all my turning supplies from them. Great customer service and FAST shipping.

I like the look of these, the best. And I like the idea of being modular. Don't have to buy the post more than once.
You might be interested in having a look at They have a "T-BAR MODULAR TOOL REST SYSTEM" that I really like.

I have a Jet mini and Jet 1642 and bought one post for each. All of their rests fit all of their posts so having an assortment of lengths and curves is cheaper than dedicated rests. I also like the round stock as the cutting tools glide along much more smoothly than on traditional rests.
I'm not a fan of those round bars -- can't get in close with them. Who is it here that makes them from angle-iron? I'm not sure if he was selling, but those were sweet!
Mannie, I turn on a JET 1642 and recently replaced the stock tool rest with a round 12" bar and 5"x1" post. I kept having problems with my square edged tools digging into the original tool rest.

The round bar is harder and thus I do not have the dig in problem any more. I got mine from Woodcraft and I know the post was $12.95 and believe the round bar was $21 or thereabouts. Several additional lengths are available for the tool rest and post. I have no intentions of going back to the soft metal tool bars. [:D]
Originally posted by Tea Clipper
<br />I'm not a fan of those round bars -- can't get in close with them. Who is it here that makes them from angle-iron? I'm not sure if he was selling, but those were sweet!

I recently posted a picture of mine. Made by a local welder for $10.00. Sorry, I already dumped the picture. Do a search, I'm sure you will find it. I really don't understand why folks go out and spend $30.00, or more, for a rest when they can be custom made for so much less.
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll check them out this weekend and see which I like price wise.
Frank, I've done a little welding myself (enough to be a danger) and I made a six inch and ten round rest. Tried to make a curved one for bowls but really #^$*^ it up. So I think I want to go with some type of modular system, still not sure if it the best way to go or not.
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