Yesterday I was perusing a local pawn shop and found a Grex P630 23 gauge pin nailer.
It retails at amazon right now for about $160. I hooked it up to their air compressor, and it appeared to fire, but they didn't have any nails. Anyway, I get it home, load up some nails, pull the trigger...and no nail. Ends up that a nail was seriously jammed in the pipe. Pulled it out, problem solved. Total price...$25.
It retails at amazon right now for about $160. I hooked it up to their air compressor, and it appeared to fire, but they didn't have any nails. Anyway, I get it home, load up some nails, pull the trigger...and no nail. Ends up that a nail was seriously jammed in the pipe. Pulled it out, problem solved. Total price...$25.