Here they are. I am posting here because some generous penturners sent me cutoffs and scraps and would not even accept money for postage. It took a while but I made those pens. Alot went on between 2019 and 2023. The pandemic, me having gastric bypass surgery, almost dying from bloodclots and moving to Northern Nevada. The Red Box Elder, Honey Locust and Eucalpytus Burl were donated to me and unknown dark wood is (it's Black Walnut) from the cabinet maker down the street from me. Since he gave me a bunch of cut offs I thought it would be fair to gift him a pen from the darker wood. He didn't know what it was and I am surprised that it turned since the shavings were ugly but the grain is nice and dark. I did sanding to 2000 grit 6 coats of thin CA and 6 coats of medium CA.(accelerator between each application) I did two extra coats on the red box elder because of the bug holes. I then did a wet mesh sanding from 1500 to 12000. Nice shine IMO. This is the Sierra pen. Are there flaws? Absolutely and I pointed the out myself to some pen turners I showed these pictures to but considering these are the first pens I've made since 2017, I think I am headed in the right direction.Thank you for being generous with your time and answering questions. My first pen was turned under supervision in 2017 and I carried it every day, tossed it in my backpack pack, used it at school, dropped it, lost it, found it. It looks like a beginner made it.
Black Walnut(L) and Red Box Elder
Honey Locust (L) and Eucalyptus Burl
First pen from 2017. Ebony/Ivory.
Black Walnut(L) and Red Box Elder
Honey Locust (L) and Eucalyptus Burl
First pen from 2017. Ebony/Ivory.
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