Tomorrow-Thursday (Aug 22) Zoom meeting at ExoticBlanks

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
We call it "A Plastic Pen Primer"

Mark, John and Ed will talk about all things "plastic" and most things not plastic, but not wood.
Ed was among the first to import plastic pen blanks from Europe--we will talk a little about what
was available then (1995ish) vs what we have now.

Turning, sanding, drilling, painting--we will touch on all of them and entertain YOUR questions.
Obviously Mark turns thousands of pens, peppermills, handles, etc every year, most from "plastics"
And we know John casts and turns every resin known to mankind!!

So, ask about anything--we will try to give good answers, including, "I don't know!!"

To be invited to the zoom, if you are not on our list (a mailing went out at 2 PM Wednesday, if you did not get it, you are not on the list)
just send an email to "" with the subject line, INVITE ME.
really love these sessions, but a change in schedules prevents me from attending live - really wish they would be recorded as part of the Zoom sessions and available for watching at a different time. I know I am not the only one. Even if they were available for a limited time, it would allow more people to watch. No matter what, I thank Ed, Mark and John for doing these - they are very well done (at least the ones I could see!).

Do you have any plans to start making these videos available after the live stream? My life is pretty hectic, trying to find time for live sessions can be difficult.

We have discussed this many times. Our biggest issue is we have such a great time interacting with the group. We go from comments to questions to full discussions. It is a blast for us. We are trying to figure out how to keep that going.
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