Update 1/31 - It's fixed!
Here's the story -
I took my compressor and blew air into the holes in the rim. Air came out the other holes but not back into the tank so I knew the clog was in the back portion on the bowl. Next I spent 5 minutes cursing the toillet knowing I now needed to take it apart again.
I removed the tank to find that the new rubber gasket that sits between the tank and bowl was to big and extended to far into the tube and was blocking the passage to the bowl rim. Next I spent 5 minutes cursing at myself for not seeing this when I did this repair the first time.
I took the old gasket and used that. The problem here was that is is a funny one in that not only does it go into that hole but it has 3 'arms' that extend out and go through the 3 holes for the bolts that attach the tank to the bowl. I know I probably could have cut them off and used the 'new' washers but I wanted top 'do it right' so I tortured myself getting these back in. Finally, success.
I then put the tank back and hooked everything up. Turned on the water and watched the tank fill. Flush! Ah, and water comes from under the rim like it should! Success!
I would like to say the story ends now, but it doesn't. Water is leaking from one of the bolts that hold the tank to the bowl. I loosen everythinkg including the supply line and get everything lined up aqnd re-tighten. Turn on the water and the water gushes from the supply line where it connects tot he toilet. I turn the water off and disconnnected it. Turns out the rubber fitting there had turned on its side. Oh yeah, did I mention earlier that that little ruibber fitting had pushed up into the fitting and we had to fish it out?
OK, everthing goes back together turn, on the water again and the supply line starts leaking where the vertical and horizontal pipes connect. I take it apart AGAIN and use some of that teflon tape on the threads and fittings.
Everything goes back together again and..... success. Everything works.
Special note: I keep typing "I", like I did everything. I must point out that my wife was there every step helping me.
I hate plumbing. I hate plumbing. I hate plumbing.
Thanks to everyone who responded with all the suggestions.
Last year one of our toliets kept 'running'. Since it was one we rarely used and I was being lazy I just turned off the water. I finally got around to fixing it. I replaced all the guts in the tank. That fixed the running problem but now I have a new problem.
The toilet does flush but no water, except an occassional few drops, comes out from under the bowl rim to wash down the sides of the bowl leaving toilet paper and other 'stuff' on the sides of the bowl. I used a piece of wire in all the holes under the rim to see if they were clogged. I also used some lime-away to see if there was a lime build up. I also put the wire into the tank and as far into the pipe that goes towards (I think) the bowl to see if there was a clog. Nothing helped.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
Here's the story -
I took my compressor and blew air into the holes in the rim. Air came out the other holes but not back into the tank so I knew the clog was in the back portion on the bowl. Next I spent 5 minutes cursing the toillet knowing I now needed to take it apart again.
I removed the tank to find that the new rubber gasket that sits between the tank and bowl was to big and extended to far into the tube and was blocking the passage to the bowl rim. Next I spent 5 minutes cursing at myself for not seeing this when I did this repair the first time.
I took the old gasket and used that. The problem here was that is is a funny one in that not only does it go into that hole but it has 3 'arms' that extend out and go through the 3 holes for the bolts that attach the tank to the bowl. I know I probably could have cut them off and used the 'new' washers but I wanted top 'do it right' so I tortured myself getting these back in. Finally, success.
I then put the tank back and hooked everything up. Turned on the water and watched the tank fill. Flush! Ah, and water comes from under the rim like it should! Success!
I would like to say the story ends now, but it doesn't. Water is leaking from one of the bolts that hold the tank to the bowl. I loosen everythinkg including the supply line and get everything lined up aqnd re-tighten. Turn on the water and the water gushes from the supply line where it connects tot he toilet. I turn the water off and disconnnected it. Turns out the rubber fitting there had turned on its side. Oh yeah, did I mention earlier that that little ruibber fitting had pushed up into the fitting and we had to fish it out?
OK, everthing goes back together turn, on the water again and the supply line starts leaking where the vertical and horizontal pipes connect. I take it apart AGAIN and use some of that teflon tape on the threads and fittings.
Everything goes back together again and..... success. Everything works.
Special note: I keep typing "I", like I did everything. I must point out that my wife was there every step helping me.
I hate plumbing. I hate plumbing. I hate plumbing.
Thanks to everyone who responded with all the suggestions.
Last year one of our toliets kept 'running'. Since it was one we rarely used and I was being lazy I just turned off the water. I finally got around to fixing it. I replaced all the guts in the tank. That fixed the running problem but now I have a new problem.
The toilet does flush but no water, except an occassional few drops, comes out from under the bowl rim to wash down the sides of the bowl leaving toilet paper and other 'stuff' on the sides of the bowl. I used a piece of wire in all the holes under the rim to see if they were clogged. I also used some lime-away to see if there was a lime build up. I also put the wire into the tank and as far into the pipe that goes towards (I think) the bowl to see if there was a clog. Nothing helped.
Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
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