Today I did a cast with Alumilite Clear Slow with Eye Candy pigments. The recipe was 50% Sayu White, 10% Ryujin Blue, 15% Kanpanyura (purple), and 25% Baku Red. With the way that I pour I think the color separation always looks much more pronounced on the outside of the blank because of how the resin kind of clings to the sides of the molds as I am pouring. Overall I think they came out looking kind of like I had hoped other than the blue looks like it has a little bit of a green-ish tint, especially in the pictures.
I ordered some more Stainless Steel Apollo Rollerball kits from Kate at Bullseye Turning when they came back in stock a day or so ago. I had this kit in mind when I came up with the recipe - but I might try one out on an Antique Silver Diamond Knurl Rollerball too.
I ordered some more Stainless Steel Apollo Rollerball kits from Kate at Bullseye Turning when they came back in stock a day or so ago. I had this kit in mind when I came up with the recipe - but I might try one out on an Antique Silver Diamond Knurl Rollerball too.