I am glad she got help soon enough. As for you, I would suggest you find a "heart doc" you trust and get some work ups done. Might be nothing going on, but also might mean catching something early. Changes in life style for sure, maybe some meds, but it is better than the alternative. My brother called me, in 1992, and said he just got out of the hospital where he got a stint. Same hospital my dad got 3 open heart surgeries and 4 stints. Well, I was stationed at the Reserve headquarters in NOLA, went down to sick-bay, they took some blood and I waited. Got called back a couple days later, went into the exam room, the doc came in and said "Chief, you should be dead". Well, he got my attention. Cholestral 450, trigylcerides 1950. Fortunatly, further test where OK. However I still take meds. Diet by itself, for me, is not enough. Good luck and get a blood test, shipmate.
Steve (chiefgreen)