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Yay on both parts. Judging by the dust on the first one, it's not getting much use. The ram's horns are hollow though I think, so it may be good for inlays, but not sure about whole pens.
Old Griz (Tom Mullane) made a pen from horn if I remember rightly, will look through his album to see if its still there.
It is not Ram's horn (water buffalo if I am not mistaken). As mentioned, not enough meat there to make a pen.
I am willing to trade blanks for it though...for other (future) projects :biggrin:
The antler is a definite cut it up.
What is it though, rams horn or water buffalo?
Definitely, cut the antler. I just turned some antler the first time the other day. Kinda reminded me of a dentist office! Put it on a chrome cartridge rollerball. Will give it to the person that provided the antler. :wink:
I can't find any indication that anyone has made a pen from ram horn. This would worry me.
Looks like it would vary in texture, at the least.
The deer antler looks like about three good pens (straight and not too large in diameter)- is it worth it, to you??
I was quoting what was posted by Ligget. I believe Old Griz used a water buffalo horn NOT a Rams horn. What you have is Ram's horn which is not thick enough.
so i've been looking at a few articles on turning the antler. what should i glue in the brass tubes with ca or epoxy
so i've been looking at a few articles on turning the antler. what should i glue in the brass tubes with ca or epoxy