Tired of Junk-mail? Get back at them!

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Mar 17, 2007
San Antonio, TX.
Tired of junk mail? Me to. Get back at them.

I used to get frustrated with the amount of junk-mail I would get on a weekly basis. I used to spend a lot of time ripping and shredding all the stuff and some you could not rip in two because they would put the small plastic cards in it that prevented ripping the envelop. :( I now have cut my shredding to about 10%. This is what we do.

I accumulate junk-mail all week long, I don't throw away a single piece. Then on Sundays we have family hour and my two daughters, wife and I sit at the dinner table open all the junk mail and pull out all the bulk rate stamped envelopes. Then we cut all the pieces or sections of mail that have names and addresses and proceed to stuff all the envelopes with as much junk-mail as we can. [}:)] Don't worry if it's too stuffed to lick and seal, just use packing tape. I stuff in all the Lowe's, Home Depot, super-market, credit card offers, etc in the envelop. Our record so far is 6oz in one envelop...it looked like a huge tamale. Then Monday morning I stop by the post office and send it back to them, at least a couple pounds a week. :D Just doing my part to keep the Post office in bussiness. I always wondered though what their reaction is when they get it...maybe they say "Why are we getting all this junk-mail". Hmmm...that's what I used to ask.;)
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An exercise in frustration. But no one of importance sees what you are doing. It will all be discarded by a mail clerk or lowly secretary. All you are accomplishing is making them spend some money on the bulk return postage. Doesn't sound like it's worth the effort to me.
Originally posted by ElMostro
<br />Tired of junk mail? Me to. Get back at them.

I used to get frustrated with the amount of junk-mail I would get on a weekly basis. I used to spend a lot of time ripping and shredding all the stuff and some you could not rip in two because they would put the small plastic cards in it that prevented ripping the envelop. [:(!] I now have cut my shredding to about 10%. This is what we do.

I accumulate junk-mail all week long, I don't throw away a single piece. Then on Sundays we have family hour and my two daughters, wife and I sit at the dinner table open all the junk mail and pull out all the bulk rate stamped envelopes. Then we cut all the pieces or sections of mail that have names and addresses and proceed to stuff all the envelopes with as much junk-mail as we can. [}:)] Don't worry if it's too stuffed to lick and seal, just use packing tape. I stuff in all the Lowe's, Home Depot, super-market, credit card offers, etc in the envelop. Our record so far is 6oz in one envelop...it looked like a huge tamale. Then Monday morning I stop by the post office and send it back to them, at least a couple pounds a week. [:D] Just doing my part to keep the Post office in bussiness. I always wondered though what their reaction is when they get it...maybe they say "Why are we getting all this junk-mail". Hmmm...that's what I used to ask.[;)]

Some people need to get a life.
And people want to complain about the postal cost. That wastes the post offices time and that cost is put on the people.[V]

I can find better things to do for family hour or at least spend that time in the shop being productive...
I used to do the same thing, but I would be a little more systematic. If you open something and it has a return envelope. Take the contents of the envelope and stuff it in the return envelope. But before that write "Remove me from your mailing list" ,with a sharpy, on all the forms. I found if you do this enough, the junk starts to drop, especially credit card companies. We did this for a long time and now I get very few if any credit card offers.
I got myself a Post Office Box and I throw all the trash mail in THEIR trash can. Let them handle it and take it to the trash. I had to get the PO box because my carriers here just can't get the mail delivered to the right place. At least at the Post Office most people will put it back into the manager's box and he can correct the problem. I don't get anything like the amount of misdirected mail as I used to get ... and I have removed my mailbox at the street. Gee, I wonder what the vandels smash now? (Did you know that smashing mailboxes is a very expensive Federal crime?) [:D]
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