Another member and I are organizing a support our troops with gift pens to show our appreciation of their service, as usual the other guy is Wolftat, , but I'm the point man, so pm me for details, if any one need help with a few kits or blanks, I think some of us can help. Remember this isn't a contest so make what ever you are capable of, don't try and bust the bank, Slim lines are a good choice as are roadsters or even euros, these all fit in the pockets of BDUs. it's also Ok to send some for locker pens that won't get carried into the field the choice is yours, But I do caution against sending any cartridge pens. some times they allow them to come home and sometimes they have to be left over seas, Also not all of these will be going over seas some will be distributed domestically we have troops here in training and such as well. So make what you can what ever your skill level, and remember these are gifts to show we do care what these men and women are doing for us, and our way of life.