Time to ride

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Mar 1, 2007
Eaton Rapids, Michigan, USA.
Finally I was able to take a motorcycle class! There was only one person in the 30 person class to eat the pavement, and wouldn't you know it, that was me! No serious injury to body, more just to my ego. At least I showed the class how to fall properly. Was an exercise on breaking in a curve where you enter curve then straighten out and stop quick..well I wasn't straight enough. Oh well..now I just can't wait to pick up my new bike next week. Scary part is I have to ride it home, not in an empty parking lot. Please avoid Lansing for a few weeks ;)
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Jeff the last motorcycle I was on was a 650 in 1973, with gas prices maybe I need to .........no never mind at my age it scares me to death.
I'm jonesin' for a bike, and have the same post-purchase ride that you have. I took the class a couple of years ago and luckily didn't fall. Nice to hear you're ok...physically at least.:D
I know my new bike that I'm picking up this week is "girly". I bought a brand new, only one mile on it, 2006 kawasaki eliminator. It's 125cc. I need a sail and some good wind to get up to 70mph on the interstate. It's a tough bike though and a great starter. Only $3100 with tax, title, plates and a windshield and saddle bags. Supposed to run 70-80 mpg depending how you ride it, and the insurance for an entire year is only $200. I pay $90-100 for gas in my truck and expect my fuel bill will become $12-15!!! Assuming I live of course :D Everything in life is risk, even just getting out of bed. I think I'll be fine once I ride it for a week or two.
It's not you that you have to worry about. It's all the other people that don't pay attention or just don't care. Ride safe.
Great starter bike! I ride a Honda VTX 1800, and I ride it a lot. Great job on taking the safety course, I know it taught me a ton of things. I also did the expert rider course, and I highly recommend it for you next year, after you have some miles under your belt.
If I may, my biggest piece of advice to you is NEVER TRUST THE OTHER DRIVERS! I always, always always try to prepare for the worst. People backing out of their driveways, people coming to a stop, people turning in front of you and on and on. I always cover the brake and clutch as those situations arrive, and they arrive every single ride. Practice your braking. Practice swerving. Look where you want the bike to go, not where you are headed. As that car is backing out of the drive, look and see what you will do when they don't stop. Prepare yourself, but do not ride scared. Ride defensively, but not scared. Above all, enjoy the road. It is a great country out there to ride through.
Jeff, just be careful and ride defensively. I cringe to think of riding a bike that small. The big bikes are hard enough to see by other motorists.;) Anyone know ehre I can find a two wheeled tank? JK, of course. Keep the rubber side down!
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