Tightening my joins

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Alan you have stepped your game up up considerably since you started this segmenting. Like what you are doing. I believe you had shown at one time your process to make these triangles this small. Maybe you could link that again. But also add a warning to the care that needs to be followed for safety reasons. Maybe we can even get a library tutorial if you di not already. Thanks.
Alan you have stepped your game up up considerably since you started this segmenting. Like what you are doing. I believe you had shown at one time your process to make these triangles this small. Maybe you could link that again. But also add a warning to the care that needs to be followed for safety reasons. Maybe we can even get a library tutorial if you di not already. Thanks.
Thanks, John.
I have changed my method from that previous process but will photograph how I cut them next time.
Thanks. I know you shown us a few photos of this work as you progressed with the idea. There have been many here that toyed with the triangle inlay idea for making diamonds and such. You are taking to another level. keep up the good work. Always love seeing segmented work.
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