This was super difficult.

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
I wanted to try an over/under Irish knot. This is my first attempt, and I am aware of the inaccuracies.
Really difficult to get precise uniform cuts, and I am going to have to slightly reduce the dimensions for a pen.
Comments and suggestions more than welcome.

Alan IMG_0115.JPG
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Interesting. This could be your best. Has potential. If it were me to make things easier all aspects and pieces would be the same width so all you need to do is cut strips of different colored woods and cut them to length. This includes inside and outside pieces (in this case white, purple and yellow). Just trying to envision it as a chain if that is what you are going for. Somewhere I seen a pattern similar and wanted to give it a try but not sure I could get it as small as it needs to be. The guy used the pattern for an inlay in a jewelry box and it looked sharp. Not sure if I would ever travel down the road you have taken. I value my fingers alot but the temptation is there. Good luck and keep us posted. :)
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