This sucks

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Jun 28, 2009
Bucksport, Maine, USA
Just found out today that I am getting laid off Friday. :frown::frown: I sure hope the economy turns around. This sucks, but I will have plenty of lathe time now:)
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MANY have been laid off (fired).

But 200-300 thousand per week are being hired.

So, with a LOT of effort, you could be in the second statistic within a month (I know two people who have done it)

Good luck to you, but the best luck comes to those who work the hardest, generally!
I've been out since May 1st . The company I worked for for 15 years went out of business . Not many jobs out there right now . Those numbers sound good Ed but I think someone is cooking the books . Most of those jobs are either low paying or temporary , which look good on paper but just don't work in the real world .
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I'm real sorry to hear this, and want you to know you'll be in our thoughts
while you search for a new job.
I've had this twice in the last 10 years, so I can sympathize...
I've been out since May 1st . The company I worked for for 15 years went out of business . Not many jobs out there right now . Those numbers sound good Ed but I think someone is cooking the books . Most of those jobs are either low paying or temporary , which look good on paper but just don't work in the real world .


You could very well be correct. But, I was fired twice in my youth, (hard to believe, I'm so easy to "direct"), had a new job inside two weeks.

Took a serious paycut in the second one-six months later I was WAY ahead (commission sales).

Wasn't till many years later that I learned you could get "unemployment compensation". Who the heck would pay you for being unemployed???

Times have changed, I guess I haven't.
Thanks to all for your wishes.

Ed, I hope your statistics are correct. I was laid off a year and a half ago, and thankfully found a job within a month and a half. This one could be more of a challenge, but who knows. I am always up for a change.
I know it could happen too me at any time. I truly do wish you all the best. I hope this is a small step to an even better job/income.
Sorry to hear that Dan, my wife is also "being forced to retire" after 28 years-she's to young to draw her full retirement so we will just have to punt until she turns at least 60 (4 years). Hope you find something quick.
Good luck.
Best of luck in your job search. Jan 2009, the company I had been with 28 years eliminated my position. Fortunately I was close enough to retirement to take an early retirement package. It took me a bit to come to grips with it, but looking back now, I'm glad it happened.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune, but things happen for a reason. Hope you see the reason soon.
I am one of those rare people who've never worked for any other company but the one I am currently emplyed with for 31 years. Started right out of college and never left, though I have worn many hats with the same company, not all the moves were in a positive direction, but my family was always taken care of. That is what has kept me there.
Your title sums it up pretty well. Keep the faith brother! I hope things work out for you.
Dan, Sorry to hear that you lost your job. I am hoping that you can find something very soon. Not to make it any worth I haven't been working since 2005. I had to close my office and health problems took their toll on me. I am not that old to retire yet. But, what I find it hard is that when your up in the age it's harder to find a job, when the HR manger looks at you and the sllary that yourequire then figures out that hw/she can get a younger kid who lives at home to give the job to and don't rewuire that much money. anyways, don't give up they say that God closes onedooe and opens another ,so this maywork out for the best for you. Good luck.
... but things happen for a reason.

Funny how you said this Glenn, My Fiancee and I were talking about moving to Southern Maine in a couple of years. I suddenly have a reason to possibly to start looking for a job there. We actually have a place to stay (& turn) while the house gets on the who knows.
Hey Dan, I too have been laid off 2 times in the last year. Once was for 5 months, the other was 5 weeks. You have to make certain changes in your spending habits but I made it through both times. I work construction and it seems to be picking up a little, it usually is a good sign that other forms of business will follow soon. Good luck with the job hunt. Russell
Funny how you said this Glenn, My Fiancee and I were talking about moving to Southern Maine in a couple of years. I suddenly have a reason to possibly to start looking for a job there. We actually have a place to stay (& turn) while the house gets on the who knows.

OH.... the OTHER Maine! :biggrin:
Ed 200 to 300 thousand a week, seems a little high to me, say 250 thousand per month, that would be 3 million a year. I don't see it happening.

The new face of homelessness here in America is entire families who have lost everything due to the downturn in the economy. We've helped a few families who were passing through this area recently looking for work. Funny though when I offered them work, they never seemed to return phone calls (I guess some people are still above manual labor, but @ $14/hr, with meals and travel, who can really complain?)

I am self-employed and have had to cut my rates by about 20% to keep work coming in. I've even had to start helping a new business start in the area for about 1/5th of what I usually make, but it seems like no matter how I sell my story to the electric company, they still expect me to pay my bill each month for some strange reason. Hopefully you'll be able to find something to get you through, or who knows, this might be exactly what you need to start something new!
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