First those mean nasty onery Cajun Coon asses beat up my favorite Foot Ball player Peyton Manning ,then we wake up this morning with close to 7 inches of snow, (it was supposed to go way north of us.) it caught the entire western Tennessee area by surprise, now tonight we're supposed to get rain and sleet with a low in the 20s.
Please explain the whole Global Warming theory? We don't do SNOW in this part of Tennessee, only once every two or three years. this is the third blast this year.
But it was a good Super Bowl until the last 3 minutes, I just wonder if Cav has stopped jumping around on his new Knees.
Please explain the whole Global Warming theory? We don't do SNOW in this part of Tennessee, only once every two or three years. this is the third blast this year.
But it was a good Super Bowl until the last 3 minutes, I just wonder if Cav has stopped jumping around on his new Knees.