This one got me! (scorpion) and 28 days, no can!

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Retired Head Moderator
Oct 18, 2005
San Marcos, TX, USA.
John posted a picture of a pen made with a scorpion and it reminded me of this picture I took to share with you guys! Didn't want to pollute his thread and distract from his cool pen so I decided to post this separately.

This one got me exactly 29 days ago. I remember because it happened the day before I quite dipping! There is one benefit of dipping...when you get stung by a scorpion or other nasty, if you immediately put some wet smokeless tobacco on the sting area and hold it there, the sting will go away in a few minutes!

Anyway, this is a pretty big one. Most of the ones we have here are not black but occasionally we do have a few. I find them all over the shop and have to be careful when picking up stuff!



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Glad we don't have them by my house. I'd have to change my underwear if I encoutered that thing.
Curtis, I see the sandy color ones all too many times, and only one time came upon one of those dang balck one and was lucky that squished it quickly. But, I was wondering if those were the illegal imigrants from the south america that got passed to TX in that flood water. That one sure looks mean. Then again I am city boy what do Iknwo about them nasty critters. Then again imagine if you made a pen out of that, it would be one those pens that hangs on to you by those legs and will never let you down in writing a book.
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We get the sandy colored ones in the house all the time. I cast one once. It had some moisture inside still i guess because the PR cracked while curing. My wife said the Scorpion must have farted. Pretty cool stuff.
If it's OK with you, I'm going to pass this pic on to our Entomologist (I'm in the business) as it doesn't look like the Striped Bark scorpions in our area. Could just be what it was eating, but you never know!
Pretty cool looking from here. You can keep them.... Spiders are bad enough. My wife would freak and leave the house if one of those got lose.

Feel free. I see quite a few of the black ones just like that here in the Hill Country. I have been seeing them since I was a kid and I am about to turn 43 so they are not new around here.

BTW, did you get my PM yet?
Actually, I think it is relative to the Pincer size. If they have big huge pincers like the Emperor scorpion, then their venom will be fairly weak compared to the ones we have around here that have tiny tiny little pincers. I got stung on the tip of my finger once, it was a split second sting but still burned like fire the rest of the night.

Feel free. I see quite a few of the black ones just like that here in the Hill Country. I have been seeing them since I was a kid and I am about to turn 43 so they are not new around here.

BTW, did you get my PM yet?

Well, I wonder if those are from Africa like the way fire ants got dumped into US from the ship and now they are riching far soils of north states.
I haven't seen the black ones like you have, many sand color ones and some are like pinkish color too, But, not those black ones.
I replied to your PM, too.
As someone from a scorpion-free zone (MD), I was just wondering, do scorpions retain their phosphorescence after being cast?
It certainly would make a unique pen.
feck that, i don't think i'll ever set foot outside of Ireland now. Seen a pretty big spider 2 weeks ago and it scared me sh****ss (have a huge fear of spiders). I thought maybe it came as an egg in a void in some blanks i got.
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Really, they're in your shop? If I had to worry about finding scorpions while cleaning up the shop, I'd probably give up woodworking. :eek:

Thankfully, the only time I see scorpions in NJ, they are in some kind of bug exhibit and they're already dead.:biggrin:
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Stop being a big baby! Put on some leather gloves and collect up a dozen or so of those guys and skewer them up like shrimp. mmmm, mmmm good. Pair that up with some rattlesnake and a sarsaparilla soda and you got heaven on earth.
We have a lot of wasps up here, and I absolutely hate them. But I will gladly live with all of the wasps rather than dealing with scorpions.
Having never seen anything like it around here (thankfully!) or in person. How big is that thing?

This one from head to tail was about 2 1/2". Most of the ones I see are not quite that big. They also get in our house from time to time. I guess that is what keeps the exterminators in business! The ones in the shop are not really a problem. I usually see them running across the floor. They are not aggressive like a wasp or hornet can be since they do not have a nest to defend and are solitary. The only time you get hit is if you step on one barefoot or pick something up and squash him. They sting humans only out of self defense. As a kid, we used to pick them up and let them crawl on our arm to scare or impress the girls at school!
Have gotten stung several times by the bark scorpions, and have seen a few of the black ones around. just thought they were "older" bark scorpions.

The other day my wife wanted me to start working out with her but after I agreed as i was walking to grab my socks one stung me in the toe. HaHa,:biggrin: You better believe I milked it for all its worth. havent been asked to work out with her since. It just wasnt meant to be, a sign........ as far as my wife thinks.:wink:
It's been a while since I got popped by one of those little buggers... none as big as your that's a whopper.

I stepped on one when I was about 10... they were migrating through my grandparents yard, under the house and out the back to the woods.... my cousin and I were running around the house barefoot... I missed dodging one and he popped me... a hot coal couldn't have burned more.

The last time I was about 12... I was sent down to the hog lot to feed some penned pigs and went to get some corn from the hog feeder. I pushed the top off and bent over to scoop up a bucket of corn... I didn't see the little guy on the edge of the feeder and he hit me in the stomach just about the belly button... that one made me sick.
The tiny little insect is OK but the really important part of this thread is the title. Congratulations Curtis on 28 days tobacco free! You absolutely can do it!
Congrats on almost a month! oh.. and ewwww....

I fought off a couple of hornet nests that had taken hold in my in-laws grill (they hadn't used it yet this year.)... No stings luckily - but I'll take fighting them over this thing.... I guess I'm a northerner for sure.. that thing would freak me out.
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