This is what they look like

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Alan Morrison

Jan 15, 2019
N Ireland
I posted some experimental design blanks yesterday and turned some today to see what they looked like.
The most pen worthy one blew up, which was because I was turning it halfway without a tube and the African Blackwood was really hard.
The second and fourth from left with the black X have a wee bit of merit but would be better with a plain background.
I will leave these designs now for a while and get back to some basic segmenting.
Thanks for looking. IMG_0971.JPG
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And you pawned off the square blacks as nice. These show their beauty and the tenacious talent you as harboring!
As always you've out done yourself again!
Question for you and the members: How do you finish as sanding to keep the colors from blending? I thought a judicious application of a skew would work. Your ideas?
And you pawned off the square blacks as nice. These show their beauty and the tenacious talent you as harboring!
As always you've out done yourself again!
Wayne, you are most generous with your comments. Many thanks for your encouragement.
Question for you and the members: How do you finish as sanding to keep the colors from blending? I thought a judicious application of a skew would work. Your ideas?
Sharp skew and light touches, plus sanding sealer. Clean down between each grit.
Different coloured hardwoods are generally ok, but the softer woods like Padouk are notorious for colour bleed.
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