I live in an area that is being not just clear cut, but decimated by machines like that, There used to be 5 sawmills with in 6 miles of my house, now there is one sawmill and a lot of ugly poorly logged ground. Sorry folks, I think it's wrong, we need trees to breath, provide places for Deer, Turkeys, Squirrels. It was said when the first Europeans came to Tennessee, a squirrel could cross the entire state east to west and never touch the ground,
Not any more, I had a guy offer to buy the little bit of old growth Oak and some Poplar on my place, about 3 acres, I may have been rude but I still have my trees and I hope my kids have the good sense to keep them after I'm gone, Stewardship of our earth is far more important than a few dollars in my pocket. I realize this is just an opinion, I'm not a tree huger but it's got to be stopped, or it'll be "take all the trees and put'em in a tree museum, and charge the people a dollar and a half just to see them"