These things is heavy!

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Jan 3, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
Now I have to figure out how to drag it out of the woods...

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Heh, it's wild cherry burl (or Black Knot, or gall, whatever you want to call it).

I would cut it shorter but the other one I had checked pretty badly because I didn't seal the ends. I'm hoping to get this thing cut and soaking in DNA before too long...

I'm hoping a tarp and two of us pulling will help. It's laying in the woods a few hundred yards deep. Not that big, but it's heavy and darn awkward to hold onto.
Know anyone with a four wheeler and a chain???

Does the dna help pull the moisture out without checking and cracking? I would have thought it would pull it too fast...
Really cool, Skye. I bought one years ago, it cracked up pretty good, but there's 50 pen blanks in it still. But you're not kidding, mine was 2/3rd's the size of yours, and it still weighs a ton. Awfully dense wood, that wild cherry burl. It's also one of my favorites for bowl turning.

Have fun with it!

Yeah, I have no idea why it works but it seems to. I soaked a lot of green oak blanks with some nice lace in them, none of it checked a bit.

Nah, an ATV wouldn't make it back there. It's pretty darn dense woods.
Maybe a handtruck and a band or rope to tie it on with. I use a hand truck a lot when cutting firewood for our water stove. Sometimes I use it just to get a log (or at least one end of big ones) up off the ground to make sawing easier on the back. I guess being a simple person I'm more "inclined" to the simple machines :)
You can let them soak for 24-48 hours. I don't think there's a science to the timing. The oak ones I soaked were in there for 24 hours. I stacked them like a log cabin (I'm sure there's a proper name for it) to let them dry. Looking back, I should probably wrapped them in paper, but they seemed to do fine.

Weelbarrow, probably not. It's really uneven ground, rotten logs all over the place, downed trees, saplings all over the place. We'll probably just throw it on a tarp and drag it out like a dead body.

Not that I know what dragging a dead body through the woods is like.... or nothing....
Well I guess you're down to the mule, a deer dragging body strap or the tarp... GOOD LUCK! And hopefully, you're not caught near where you've drug before... ;-)
How does the DNA work?

The DNA "soaks" into the wood, and displaces the water in the wood. When the water is displaced in the wood, and the wood is taken out of the DNA, the DNA evaporates. This helps the wood dry and not check and crack. Bowl turners buy the DNA in 5 gallon sizes and soak blanks in big buckets, decreasing the drying time for the blanks. We turners are an impatient lot!

I am wondering what SKYE was doing in the woods in the first place.....The Blair Burl Project??????
Well, I guess I have to tell Skye's story for him. He and a friend were looking for a witch in the woods, but the witch found them first. the witch decided to let skye live but needed to distract him so she coudl put her second phase of her evil plan into effect. She turned skye's companion into a big piece of cherry burl knowing that it would be a sure distraction. It worked. Skye is consumed with getting that big burl out of the woods.
to be continued.......
Boy, that's a nice one! I've trekked the back woods but there's nothing good back there other than the sumac and some crab apple that I've already salvaged. I'm too far away to help you. I let the John Deere do all the work, she'll load a one ton log.
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