These Blanks are Gone: Spalted/Quilted/Ambrosia Maple

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Jul 17, 2017
Bristow, IN
Final price drop, $4.50/set. At 50 cents/blank if no interest, they go to the burn ring.

6 sets of 9 quilted/spalted natural colored Silver Maple blanks. All of these are of great color and mixed character. All are nice blanks with 1 or 2 very nice and 1 or 2 with larger worm holes, knots or checks per set.

All are 5" or a little more and 3/4" or more (most 7/8") except set "B" which has a short one so I added two stabilized blanks to that set. Ends are flat and all are more or less square. Two sides shown, claim in this thread. Resolution should be good enough to see each blank quality and condition, feel free to ask questions.



Shipping not included. Priority mail or first class package rates available.

$4.50 per set of 9 blanks + shipping either flat rate or first class, your choice

Future will include more maple both soft and hard, Osage orange/hedge apple/Bois d'arc, cherry, walnut, sassafras, beech, hackberry, whatever others I can get to in the next few weeks. Will offer 3-4 new sets per week over next 4 to 6 weeks.

Non-US shipping priced separately. I can take PayPal or nearly any other form of online payment or credit card. May be cross-posted at DrakeFamilyArtisans
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