The US Government hard at work

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Feb 22, 2005
:usflag: Read this on another forum and it is a little disturbing. Now I do not have the exact law that started this mess but the jist of it as was stated by another person is this: this is paraphrasing so i may miss a point or two: in 90 days all used brass casings from any weapon or firearm discharged has to be collected, shredded and then is being sold to china, the us is not allowed to use the brass for re-loading for the sale of new amuntion to us the consumer so our cost for amunition if we hunt or pratice with fire arms will if what is said will double or triple within the next three to four months, any company that has this used brass has 90 days to destroy it under this new law, i can if allowed provide the link and information i was given, i was there and this is not good for us, i was not aware that our ammo for training or practice shooting was used brass from the military now i know and this is apparnetly violating our right to bear arms,

Now to go to show this was real here is the rebuttle

Doesn't the government have other pressing issues to deal with??? Makes you want to scratch your head.
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