The pen that was not meant to be..

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Mar 16, 2013
I decided to push the envelop.

Try a third segmented pen. sigh I should have opened a beer.

As you can see we had a few problems.

1. Pen was as not drilled correctly
2. Small blow out I tried to fix.
3. As I turned, a hole was revealed in the cherry next to the center.
4. When I assembled, a crack appeared near the nib.

sigh... Did you know I always wanted a house pen that looked exactly like this. (Extreme case of rationalization).

Well I, the first two were a good proof of concept. This open a learning experience. Any words that can help improve will be greatly appreciated.


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If a crack appeared near the nib then use your parting tool and cut it down and add another segment to it. You can use your mandrel as a clamp if you want to. I really like that top segment it looks great.
I also like the pattern at the top. If that is the result of the off center drilling, then I wouldn't be offended at all by that. I think the proportion looks good.

I think your 'bad' one looks about as good as the upper end of my typical, so I have some more work to do!

I have a truck pen that's similar. (same extreme rationalization :rolleyes:). The thought of turning an oops band is a good idea, but slimlines are really hard to disassemble. Mine is a slimline too.

As far as drilling on center, have you seen the video on drilling antler? I use that method when I want to ensure a perfect centered hole?

EDIT: Here's the video:
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Thanks, Bob.

The Video was great. I always learn something here.

I also looked around after viewing the video you suggested.

There was another about drilling using the lathe, same idea a little different.

Drill on the lathe.wmv - YouTube

Thanks again
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