The Papparrazi finally figured it out.

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Jul 8, 2009
Eatonton, Georgia
Our community has a couple of very big weddings, this weekend and next.

Tomorrow, Carrie Underwood (Singer/American Idol winner) is marrying hockey player, Mike Fisher. Reynold's Plantation and the Ritz Carlton did a very good job of throwing off the vultures. The Ritz announced that Underwood would be wed at The Master's in Augusta (50 miles away).

Anybody "who knows", takes that to mean the Ritz here because only members or member's family can Wed at Augusta National.

Well, the sleaze finally figured it out today and when Carrie arrived all of this vermon has stopped up traffic, causing havoc with security and trying to buy "dirt" on our local celebrities.... AND HERE IS THE FUNNY PART...for $10. GOD, I wish they would just leave!

It costs more to PARK here than that! These Hollywood papparrazi are a nasty bunch, many of whom smell like they haven't bathed in weeks.

I'm glad when this WEDDING IS OVER!
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Oh, this just keeps getting better.... One of these guys tried to hide in one of the boats we are pulling in for the wedding! Big mistake... Reynolds Security made a mess of him!

These guys have handled security for 3 Presidents, the 3 tenors and the 3 Amigos....and they have NEVER had any "gate crashers". You don't really want to cross this bunch of "rent-a-cops":) (all retired FBI, DEA, Secret Service, etc).
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Every profession has it's low level, bottom sucking scum. These guys just have absurd pay potential, which raises their initiative and lowers their inhibition and care for others... They will not disappear as long as their potential paychecks (i.e. Grocery store tabloid and "entertainment" magazines that share their level of class) continue to be popular...Unfortunately, a large part of our society is focused on them...
Heck i use to leave near there Gray. I did the first electronic election in Ga. I covered all of Gray and Jones counties voting centers.My brothers still live there. One is retired from BW tobacco company. My twin works for Macon city.
Heck i use to leave near there Gray. I did the first electronic election in Ga. I covered all of Gray and Jones counties voting centers.My brothers still live there. One is retired from BW tobacco company. My twin works for Macon city.

We were really sorry to see BW close. It took a lot of jobs from our area. I really is a beautiful place to live, just REALLY hot right now.
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