The pain is over

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Jul 22, 2007
Houston, Texas, USA.
This is mainly directed to all who have offered prayers and support over the last 3-4 months to my wife and myself. The pian is over. My father died peacefully in his sleep last night after the New Year came in. He had been fighting Leukemia for two years. I will be busy for a while so don't be surprised if I don't get to your emails, PM's and such for a few days.

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I am sorryv for your loss but as everyone says he is in a better place and is pain free. I lost my uncle in Nov and the funeral was the day before Thanksgiving. He had pancreatic cancer. Take care.

Words are hollow in a time of pain.

YOUR words reflect the faith that will guide you through the difficulties.

All our best! Take care of yourself and your family.
Words don't help your pain and I know the void left from losing a father. Take solace to know he isn't in pain now and our thoughts and prayers are with you for strength and peace.
Rob, your pain must be sucking the very air out of you. I can only imagine. You are in my prayers tonight, brother. I pray for strength, guidance, comfort, and confidence. I pray that your Dad is in a better place, watching over you with a strong hand of encouragement on your shoulder as you brave your way through the pain and joys of life.

Losing Dad is one of the horrific steps that marks our way through this world, and I'm sure you'll feel like a different person after getting through the initial shock, your generation being the oldest, carrying the torch, the good name, the sound advice, having to be the 'real' adult, but there's never going to be a replacement for your 'Daddy'. There's nothing I can say to make your pain go away, I can only offer my friendship, my own feelings and life experiences, my own sympathy.

I still have my Dad, and I value every moment that I have with him. When he goes to that better place, I don't know what I'll do, and the thought of losing him grabs my heart and squeezes. There are still so many times I turn to him for advice and guidance, and I can only imagine what you must feel, being the person that the younger people turn to for that same advice and guidance. My fear in losing my Dad is that I'll not be able to do as good a job as he does, but I think he trained me well, and I get comfort from thinking about how he'll feel, looking down on the decisions I make on my own. Your father will live on in your heart and when you have those questions that you want to ask, the advice you want to hear...he'll be there giving it to you, just like he spent the better part of his life doing.

I say this because I'm hoping that's how it's going to be for me, that I can retain my composure and confidence when it feels like my roots are being tugged out from under me.

Be strong, my friend. That's what your Dad is counting on. He passed on, leaving you to hold the reins for a while. Do him proud!

Hope this helps in a little way.
So sorry, You and your family have the prayers of mine. My wife has lost her sister and her mother in the last few years to illness. It is not only hard, but exhausting. The time for recovery may be longer than you think. I just encourage you to take it easy.
So very sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dad in November of 2006. Matter of fact, today would have been his 80th birthday.

I hope you are blessed with the strength that you need for the coming days.
rob, i am ever so sorry to hear of your loss, our prayers are with you all. god bless. kindest regards colin.
I want to thank all of you for the kind words and prayers. We tried to prepare ourselves for this in advance, knowing in our minds that he is better off now, with no more pain and suffering, and our minds were as prepared as much as possible. But, no matter how much your mind is ready, your heart isn't and it feels like the pain was transferred from him to you, yet you try to remain strong, especially around others as you know so many of them are looking to you to carry the torch next. It is hard.

Thanks again for everything

Rob and Mary
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