The New Dog

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Apr 4, 2007
Livermore, CA, USA.
Many of you know that I lost my Beloved Rex, who is my Avitar, on March 18th.
A week went by and A new Puppy entered My Life.
His Name is Bo Doggus von Flynn.
He is 10 months old, a German Sherpard/Rotweiler Mix.
He is adjusting well...but he has not been near the lathe yet.


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Pets are such a wonderfull thing ... the dog looks lovely, I am sure you will a lot of fun together.
It has been 5 years since my dog died, but I am still not sure about another one. Doe I am getting close to going down to animal shelter and get some puppy.
What a sweetie! Looks like you're gonna have your hands full with that one.:wink:

I bet Rex is whispering in his ear right now, telling him all the ways to drive you crazy.

Sorry to hear about your loss. One of our dogs is a Rottweiller/Shepard and she is a wonderful dog. Though she does have a mind of her own when she wants. Your new doggy looks nice and I am glad that you have found someone to help you recover from the loss of Rex. Your new dog has a lot of name, it must take a long time to call him or do you call him Bo for short. I bet Nancy is correct that Rex is giving the new dogs whispers.
The dogs "legal" Name is Flynn....
we started calling him Bo Doggus, he answers to it, that was shortened to Doggus..
he starts Doggie school on thursday, he is a good pup, minds well, I wish I could can his energy some times!
Ahhhhh, nothing like a side kick for a companion! We have five but our Female Keisha just can't stand it when other half cuts on the band saw. When she was tiny, he would take her in the garage while I slept for I worked midnights, and she would get a cut off of maple. Now she demands it even if the door is closed and will howl till he lets her come in. She snoops around and when she finds apiece he either says NO or OK. Has a great nose on her thats for sure. She will stand up and look in the barrel for just that right one. Animals love us humans, but I think we give them our hearts.
Jay, Bo Doggus is a fine looking dog, I know what your going through. I lost my boy Shadow 2 years ago, he died from the Chinese pet food scandal. He was a beautiful big black lab, only 3 years old when he died. I was dog less for 3 days until I found my new boy Nacho at the local shelter. My best advice to you is SPOIL HIM ROTTEN, take every day with him as a gift. Hang in there brother :)


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I am sorry to hear of the losses. I lost my dog to cancer about a year and a half ago and have since adopted 2 more strays to join the family. They are both very sweet dogs that really seem to be happy in a home.
Here the newest addition to our pack. Not technically ours, but she's on an extended visit. She's only 4 and a half and is VERY EXCITED to live with a big pack. She has the habit of ambushing the others. (The one behind her is the Matriarch of the Pack, Turned 12 in January)


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Bo Doggus, huh. Kim will be happy that "Flynn's" new name starts with a hard consonant. Much better for yelling when Bo starts gnawing on your best hunk of burl.

When does Doggus get to come play with Tula and Koko?

Greg we will have to mesh skeds....
Tonight was his first Dog Class and he did real well...He Knows his name and Knows sit, and he that he will not get a treat until his butt hits the floor. He Got along well with his Class mates.
Did well with the Harness and was a good Boy... He has already selected his favorite stick...thank goodness it was not one of my good woods but from a bush in the yard.
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