The best "I bet no one has done this before..."

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Jun 15, 2007
Sherwood, Oregon - 97140, USA.
I have one for the "I bet no one has done this before..." files:

I was working on the fourth batch of home-brewed PR blanks, with three cups going at the same time. Things were going along fairly well. However I had a couple of cups of PR that just were not wanting to set up.

Well, the natural thing to do was add more MEKP. So I picked up the bottle and started to add more drops. After about 5 drops, I could hardly get any more MEKP out of the bottle. I knew I had a lot left, so I squeezed even harder and barely got one drop out.

I looked at the nozzle and something didn't look right. My MEKP bottle has a screw-on tip which I had just tightened because it was leaking. This one had an integrated nozzle...[:0]

I turned the small, round bottle around to see what I was squeezing into my resin The bold letters DEBONDER screamed at me![:0][:0]

Now I'm second guessing which cups, if any, got MEKP! And where in blazes is my small, round bottle of MEKP?! I frantically located the bottle, frantically squeezed in additional drops, all the while stirring three cups like mad... and really stirring the crap out of one cup in particular, wondering if I just screwed the pooch big time:(

Well, son-of-a-gun if the DEBONDER contamination didn't hasten that "one cup in particular" big time!

I am glad to report that DEBONDER and MEKP work like a charm in PR:D... though I don't think I will knowingly try it again any time soon...;)
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Nice save Dave. That could have been bad.
When I first started casting, I lost about 7 ounces to a miscalculation in gel time. Couldn't get it out of the cup in time to save it. Oops.
Thats a good story Dave. Glad it worked out for you.
Stevers...been there done that. My latest oops was adding just a small amount of mica powder to the cut and I dropped the darn container in. I managed to get it out without ruining it all, but I had to mix more pr just to thin down the color. Good thing I bought that 5 gal bucket!
Originally posted by JohnU

My latest oops was adding just a small amount of mica powder to the cut and I dropped the darn container in.

I did that exact same thing Friday. 3 oz of mica powder in 6 oz of resin--- oughta shine like the noonday sun!
Do you think that the debonder will dissipate out in time, so as to not effect the blank if you try to use CA to put the tubes in or finish?
God Bless,
... what I do know is that it was the last cup of the three that I poured and mixed, and the first to set up....

Will be interesting to see what the long term consequences are... Might make it easier for some "sticky fingered" type to kype it...:D
Nice to know....Dave could it be you ran across the "secret" ingredient to lessen the brittleness of the PR??? Please let us know![:p][:p];)
Originally posted by ESwindell

Do you think that the debonder will dissipate out in time, so as to not effect the blank if you try to use CA to put the tubes in or finish?
God Bless,

If we're talking about CA debonder, it's basically acetone. Acetone, in SMALL amounts is PR-friendly. Now, don't do like I did and use acetone as a pre-soak for powder pigments because I have a batch of PR blanks that are floppy and rubbery, and have been since I cast them Friday... they are hardening a bit, day by day.... I figure by the time I'm too old and crusty to make pens they'll be useable blanks.

However, a few drops won't likely hurt anything.
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