That didn't last or take long...

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Jul 30, 2007
Franklin, NC, USA.
The featured photo that is.

What happen to watch parts pen that was put up as a featured photo.

Usually they stay up for a least a month or 2 even 3.

That seems like a statement was being made but please don't tell me that that someone made it come down. Like maybe a threatening letter.

I got a few of these in the works and had the idea a long time before I saw it here.

Don't we have the rite to cast anything we want to. I was told that by a certain someone when my what I thought was an original idea was massed produced.

Just curious why it lasted so short.

Here is a photo of it.

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Well, it seems that the old pen wasn't even a recent pen (it was made a while ago), so now a new
pen can now enjoy the front page limelight.

Regardless of the reasons behind the change, if the decision was made to move on, maybe we should just respect the decision to move on.

There's been enough controversy already - lets not add to it with the blame game, ok? :)
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There were no cease and desist orders or any legal issues. It was decided by management to move on, as Maxwell smart said. Let's respect that decision and go forward.
Heck ---I planned to selling -----Econo-watch Blanks-------is that out now???????
I have already stopped taking orders trying to catch up but I have never listed them for sale---Yet
There were no cease and desist orders or any legal issues. It was decided by management to move on, as Maxwell smart said. Let's respect that decision and go forward.

That's good to know so can post my version when I get it done.

Thanks for clearing that up.


There is nothing in the rules to prevent you from posting pics of pens that you make.
I agree with Curtis. Haven't we had enough drama around here lately? :beat-up: The picture was up, now it's down and another one is up. Geeez.............aren't there more productive things to discuss?:confused::tongue:
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