Thanks to ALL IAP members

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Russell Eaton

Sep 9, 2009
Stockbridge GA.
I am new to this forum, well a couple of months now, and I have asked several questions about different subjects. All my posts were answered very fast and accuratly. This is a good bunch of people to hang associate with and ask for help from.
I have been to one local chapter meeting and the people I met were very nice. The chapter leader, Robert was a generous host as was his wife Robin. They have been very helpful with any and all questions.
I guess the reason for this post is to just say THANK YOU TO ALL MEMBERS. Some day I hope to be in the position to help out others.
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I am very glad that my limited knowledge and the interaction at the club meet has offered you so much! That is what makes my day, knowing that we are making a difference for folks. As always, if there are any questions, dont hesitate to give me a call or PM me. We look forward to seeing you on December 19th.

Russell, I am fairly sure that I speak for the majority of the group in saying, You are very welcome, and thank you for taking part of our little corner of the world. For so many of the long standing members, it is the new people that making being here worthwhile. so it is a mutual benefit. And keep in mind that all comments on an issue have value, even if they are contrary to popular opinion. I also think that comments from those just starting out are sometimes more appropriate than those made by the more experienced. They are more in tune with the struggles a beginner is going through. I have long ago settled my issued with my drill press and tearing up rather than drilling blanks. but many many members are still frustrated with wrecking fine pieces of wood. My comment to them would be "well drill it out" and such and such where a less experienced turner would take the time to give some tips on how to get it successfully drilled in the first place. I was reminded of this in the past week by having two of my kids in the shop with me. I was shocked by how often I had to be attentive to even the smallest detail. Details that I have long forgotten where just as important to me at one time. This is very much a community and every element of that community is vital. Including you.
I am new to this forum, well a couple of months now, and I have asked several questions about different subjects. All my posts were answered very fast and accuratly. This is a good bunch of people to hang associate with and ask for help from.
I have been to one local chapter meeting and the people I met were very nice. The chapter leader, Robert was a generous host as was his wife Robin. They have been very helpful with any and all questions.
I guess the reason for this post is to just say THANK YOU TO ALL MEMBERS. Some day I hope to be in the position to help out others.

Russell, as a newcomer to this forum and pen turning I echo your sentiment and send my thanks to the folks here as well. I have learned much, and have received much encouragement. My impression thus far is that this is a very experienced and mature group that is very open with sharing of innovative ideas and techniques. I feel that my results have shown improvement over the last week simply based on the time I have spent here reading and posting.
Thank you all for what you have, and will do. Like Russell I only hope to be able to return in kind.
Hey, don't let him fool you folks - Russell is a very skilled, generous and creative dude! :cool: He got a rough review on one of his first pen postings (a piece that looks even better in person), but has kept coming back. Even at that first chapter meeting, he brought some new ideas to the group (like the laser etched deer tracks on his antler/cartridge pen!). I look forward to penturning along with Russell for years to come.
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