A few years back, the turning bug bit me.
Before my 1st lathe was ordered or any tools for that matter, I did an extensive search online for tips regarding turning. Learned a lot about eqpt, tools, accs, finishing, etc. I visited multiple turning club sites and found various turning forums.
I wasn't into pens then but found Russ' finishing secrets and read it (several times). Later on when I decided to make pens...Russ' wooden pen tutorial popped up again and to this date I have both bookmarked and actually printed for reference. I do go back to review the finishing article every now and then.
You won't know how ellated I was when I learned that he is a member of IAP and responded to a question I made (a few posts back ). Made me feel proud actually to be a member of a forum that Russ is in also.
I don't know about others but for me, I haven't thanked Russ enough for his generousity sharing his knowledge and time to help both newbies and seasoned turners alike.
Before my 1st lathe was ordered or any tools for that matter, I did an extensive search online for tips regarding turning. Learned a lot about eqpt, tools, accs, finishing, etc. I visited multiple turning club sites and found various turning forums.
I wasn't into pens then but found Russ' finishing secrets and read it (several times). Later on when I decided to make pens...Russ' wooden pen tutorial popped up again and to this date I have both bookmarked and actually printed for reference. I do go back to review the finishing article every now and then.
You won't know how ellated I was when I learned that he is a member of IAP and responded to a question I made (a few posts back ). Made me feel proud actually to be a member of a forum that Russ is in also.
I don't know about others but for me, I haven't thanked Russ enough for his generousity sharing his knowledge and time to help both newbies and seasoned turners alike.