Thank You!!!

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Nov 11, 2007
Oak Bluffs, MA, USA.
In this holiday season of giving thanks, and that it's better to give than to receive, I would like to thank everyone who makes the IAP such a wonderful thing to be a part of. I would also like to thank a few members who went out of their way to help me. It is up to them if they would like to come forward, but these two individuals know who they are. I had asked for some material to use in casting and was sent more than what I thought I would receive, without charging me a dime. Not even for shipping. I also asked someone for some for some material for another project and some was sent. At first it was thought it was lost in the mail as I never received the package. Another package was put in the mail, again without ever asking for another dime, not even for shipping. I was lucky enough to get both packages eventually. I will now look into purchasing as much as I can from members here at IAP. Where else can you get that kind of service. Thanks again,
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