Thank you - IAP

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Jul 10, 2005
Toronto, ON, Canada
As I was shovelling our driveway this morning from our most recent gift from "above", I made the task easier on myself while engaging with the following thought:

Why are you (IAP) thankful today?

1. I'm thankful that the IAP has opened their door and shared their mountain of wealth with me

2. I'm thankful for the generousity that the IAP has extended via the kindest members in the universe. Offers for knowledge and goods are often offered without return payment expected

3. I'm thankful for the IAP pen benchmarks that holds out the "challenge" of striving to do better

4. I'm thankful to the IAP for having this opportunity to say "thanks" without having an agenda

Feel free to add as to why you are thankful to be here at the IAP. Let's get this "chain" circulating throughout the entire IAP many membered world. Diversity expands the pen-mind:)
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There's a lot of things that are great about IAP. One aspect that I really enjoy is the diversity. We have all kinds of diversity here . . . ethnic, economic, age, gender (sort of), cultural . . . and also the geographic diversity that includes people from around the globe.

Perhaps the diversity I appreciate the most is the tremendous array of occupations that IAP members have. Like, where else could I talk with a skilled metal fabricator or expert machinist. Dang, I'm around academicians all day ... I never have the chance to talk with skilled machinists. What a great place.

Plus, everybody has a seat at the table.
Originally posted by wdcav1952

It snows in Canada??

I'm grateful that Jeff hasn't thrown me off the site yet!

Seriously, this is my home away from home and I am here every day.

And you should all be grateful, I am here to keep Cav in line!!:D:D:D:D:D
I am grateful for many of the things Doc mentioned... I am also very glad for the overall helpful and giving spirit here. That really should not be taken for granted - so many forums are full of, for lack of a more educated term, idiots. I am glad the IAP is not like that.

Plus, these forums come with a built-in human spell-checker at no additional charge (the CavCheck. Sounds like some sort of dental thing... oh wait, I guess it could be that, too :D). Where else do you get service like that???
We are thankful for Ed and Cav as well as they are the Laurel and Hardy of IAP! :D

For Nolan who is our wood pimp.
For Gerry who pushes us in our photography.
For Lou, Al, Roy, Lyle, George, Anthony, Skippy, Eagle and so many others that have pushed us to strive for perfection through the quality work they do.

For the many folks that have found or made products at great prices and offered then so they are affordable to the members.

To Jeff and the IAP staff for making this a great place for all.

And to all you wonderful canooks out there, would you please quit sharing that dadburn snow with us Yanks!

I still can't belive how many good folks are involved here! The past couple of years before I found the AIP I really just learned from screwing up pen kits and wood till I got it right. Since I have been able to read and respond to the posts here, I can say my profit margin has gone up, and my quality has greatly improved, so thanks to all for your thoughts and information...Dave Spring Hill Fl
Thank you to all the members of IAP. Especially the ones who screw up bushing order on a cigar. :D:D It reminds me to measure them before I turn. And to all that have posted information that I have read and learned from over the past year, for this I am a better penturner.
As was said by many so far its the freindships that I've acquired in the last 2 years,yes this is my extended family,Cav taught me to spell check,Ed that acrylics sell,Nolan that some woods are drop dead gorgeous,Mike and Linda that love is sharing a lathe,Al that even professors can be fun,Gerry that taking pictures is more than just point and shoot,Lou that sharing with freinds is the right thing to do and Eagle taught me to go for it and use what was given to me to acomplish the results that I strive for...Yes the I'm thankful to the IAP for my family here and on the net.
Thank you IAP for knowledgeable and diverse member pool whom I can ask anything (like a flute :D LOL) and I am sure to get helpful but different and countless view points.
Wow, where do I begin. After my accident I thought I would never get back in my shop again. Then one day I stumbled upon IAP. I lurked for a long time and after I finally quit feeling sorry for myself I bought a lathe and started making pens.I have been a metalsmith by trade and a woodworker hobbyist my whole life so sitting in front of the TV the rest of my life was NOT an option.
IAP came along at just the right time in my life and allowed me to pursue a hobby that got me back in the shop working with my hands.
I still can't walk without crutches but I'm told I make a pretty decent pen. Thank You IAP for helping to put some meaning back in my life.:)
For me, one of the things that makes IAP so great are the members. They give us ideas and push us to expand our efforts. They give us their prayers, sympathies and support when needed. They give criticism... even when it's not asked for, it is often beneficial. Yes, our members are very giving. And IAP "gives" us a place to be such.[^]
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