Member Liaison
LOML & I head back to Japan (Nagoya) on Thursday, arriving on Friday after crossing the International Date line.
A friend went Monday and called after she arrived. Here is what the Japanese health officials did because of the swine flu:
• Plane landed and detained at the gate for two hours before people could deplane.
• In the two hours on the plane, health officials interviewed every person on the plane in their seats with these questions:
- Have you had a cough in the past two weeks?
- Have you had a fever in the past two weeks?
- Have you had a runny nose in the past two weeks?
- Have you been around anyone who has had a cold, flu, fever, or cough in the past two weeks?
• They point an infrared camera at your head to determine if you have a temperature.
• They quarantine anyone with a fever or anyone who answers yes to any of the questions.
• IF you are within 3 rows of anyone who has a fever or who coughed a lot on the 12 hour flight, you will be detained for 10 days at a hotel and virtually quarantined there.
Going to be tense, but we leave Thursday AM for Detroit and then on to Nagoya.
Remember us and or pray for us.
A friend went Monday and called after she arrived. Here is what the Japanese health officials did because of the swine flu:
• Plane landed and detained at the gate for two hours before people could deplane.
• In the two hours on the plane, health officials interviewed every person on the plane in their seats with these questions:
- Have you had a cough in the past two weeks?
- Have you had a fever in the past two weeks?
- Have you had a runny nose in the past two weeks?
- Have you been around anyone who has had a cold, flu, fever, or cough in the past two weeks?
• They point an infrared camera at your head to determine if you have a temperature.
• They quarantine anyone with a fever or anyone who answers yes to any of the questions.
• IF you are within 3 rows of anyone who has a fever or who coughed a lot on the 12 hour flight, you will be detained for 10 days at a hotel and virtually quarantined there.
Going to be tense, but we leave Thursday AM for Detroit and then on to Nagoya.
Remember us and or pray for us.