"Take me to your leader!"

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
Ok, I admit to being somewhat instrumental (spelled pest) in suggesting to our omniscient benefactor (Jeff) that there be a forum for chapter leaders.

So, now he has graciously set up such a forum!!! (Who says being a pest doesn't work??) So, you chapters ---- Who's your leader???

Well, when you all get together, the real question is "Who decided we should have THIS demo??? or discussion?? or blank swap??"

Usually, you can point to one or two people and say, without them, the meeting would not have happened. These are the guys that I envision talking with each other in the "leader forum". What has WORKED at past meetings and what FELL FLAT???

This is all being coordinated through the "chapter co-ordinator" DCBluesman, who undoubtedly has a listing of each chapter's "leader" (tongue FIRMLY planted in cheek). So, I suggest one or two guys from each chapter take part in the "leader's forum" to gain whatever ideas they can for their own group as well as sharing their successes (Mesquite Man) and failures (Ed4copies last demo), so every chapter does not have to "reinvent the Mesquite!!"

Now, is that all REAL CLEAR???

Ok, its' casual conversation - go get a drink, slip into something comfortable (casual) and CONVERSE!!!

or said another way, "Talk amongst yourselves". (Visualizing SNL)
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It's okay if your chapter doesn't have a so called leader or an official structure It's not so much that you need to be the leader of the group, but it would be great if each group was represented by someone that can take and share ideas.

It looks like we have 21 chapters and 6 of them are being represented at this point. There is no real work involved, just maybe a half an hour every month or two.
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Our chapter is scheduled to meet on the 19th of July . Hopefully we will leave there having a leader . I think we have maybe six members interested in chapter meetings . Until someone is appointed , or elected (whatever) , there may not be anyone stepping forward .

In short , we are working on it ! :redface:
Sometimes a volunteer needs to be assigned.

LOL ! There's a good one ! Take a look at all the responses to the posts in the last couple of weeks , in the Indianapolis chapter . I think we are all a little busy . Vacation time and such things as that .

Having a second thought , perhaps I will see about volunteering to represent our chapter , at least on a temporary basis . Just to get our gang established . Then , make changes as needed .

This oughta be good . :biggrin:
I am new to pen turning, however I would like to see a chapter in my area started. How do you go about setting one up. Also if there are other penturners in or close to north alabama, let me hear from you and lets get one going. It would be great to meet in person and talk pens and share ideas and information that is helpful to each other. So if anyone in my area is willing to meet, let me know and we will see if we can get it going. I am 20 minutes from both huntsville and decatur. Thanks, Keith
I like the idea of volunteering a co-conspirator - I mean co-chapter member - as long as I get to do the appointing - I mean volunteering.

did I say that out loud????
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