surgery again.

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Jul 22, 2007
Houston, Texas, USA.
I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I know it is a little early, but I wanted to send this while I could.

I am having surgery again on both hands at the same time this Wednesday, the 23rd, and I am not sure if I will be able to type at the computer for a couple of days, soooooooooooooo...

MERRY CHRISTMAS To one and all!!! :biggrin:
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Good health and quick recovery to you, Rob.

We frequently comment about the hospitals in Racine-- very few go there ONCE. They specialize in return business.

Apparently, they are not alone.

If WE don't fix a copier right, the customer expects us to follow up for free. Wonder how the hospitals would like the same deal???

Hope the second try is the "charm".
Rob: Good luck. Need anything, call me at 936-447-5689. We live in Conroe and might be able to help in case of need.
Rob, speedy recovery and Merry Christmas right back at you....
Ed, remember Doctors are just practicing medicine:rolleyes:
and your a professional copier repair center.
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Best of luck with the surgery. Keep us all advised, when you can. Our prayers are with you for a speedy recovery.
Good health and quick recovery to you, Rob.

We frequently comment about the hospitals in Racine-- very few go there ONCE. They specialize in return business.

Apparently, they are not alone.

If WE don't fix a copier right, the customer expects us to follow up for free. Wonder how the hospitals would like the same deal???

Hope the second try is the "charm".

Ed it called Job Security, unfortunatly it really affects we middle aged folks. I hope I don't go to hell for inferring I was middle aged, I was once. besides Doctors only Practice Medicine.

You were too a while back :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

[size=+2] Rob, best of luck, and a speedy recovery[/size]
Saw this posted on another site ... passing along...

Just a quick note to say Rob's surgery went well. He is home and has both hands bandaged, but in good spirits. Mary (his wife)
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