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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
Hi everyone .
I have been seeing allot of "Where can I buy ???" posts lately and just want to remind all you newer folks that most of the things that have been asked about can be purchased right here at the IAP in the classified section . Granted you are not going to buy that new Oneway lathe or Grizzly bandsaw here but when it comes to Blanks and Lathe accessories and Pen kits the vendors here should be the first place you look at .
Most of these people have supported the IAP in one way or another and deserve you support . They are great people to buy from and in most cases will give you better product , prices and service then you can get at CSUSA and PSI .
So show your support for the best penturning forum on the net by shopping here first .
For those of you that don't even know that they are there , here is the link to the classifieds
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Thanks for the reminder Butch! I would like to add a message to our vendors. I haven't been buying anywhere else for my supplies (not that I spent so much anyway) but wanted you all to know that I just haven't been turning lately so haven't been ordering.
It just fills my heart with joy to see the overwhelming support that we the membership are giving to the vendors that help keep this place running .
148 views and 2 posts , really nice :eek::confused::yawn::mad:
You are absolutely right. Everyone on this Board has helped me out as well as other members. It is only fair that we support the members as well. Not to mention that we could get better deals through IAP.
I buy all of my CA, and most of my pen supplies from IAP members and their service has been outstanding. Monty, Ernie, Bill, and johnnycnc to be specific. Unlike my first and the key word here is ex supplier. Thanks guys.
When I need something IAP is the first place I look.And I can almost always find what I need at a better price.I could'nt agree more Butch!
Butch, I by most of my quality blanks from Nolan, my adhesives from Mannie, My inexpensive kits from Woodnwhimsies, I needed an extra drill chuck got that from John Goodin, Ive sold close to 60 Woodchucks to IAP members, I've bought many blanks from IAP vendors, I've contributed to every fundraiser that's been done since I joined, I just ordered some longclicks from Aaron, bought my PR mold from gadget, I buy occasionally from Bear tooth woods, since one major vendor decided to pull his support I've pulled mine from him. IS THAT ENOUGH SUPPORT!!!!! sorry I just don't like Aluminite and no one here sells Silmar by the gallon. I think it totally unreasonable to expect everyone that reads a thread to post. but I do agree we should support our own.
Ken . My post was not meant for you or most of the longer time members . I'm very glad that you and many others buy from our vendors , as do I , but there has been a recent influx of new members who are not as supportive . I have been noticing allot of posts sending people to outside vendors for things that can be purchased here .
Our vendors offer better quality and cheaper prices on most things they sell . People like you and Nolan and Richard(randbcrafts) and Big Rob and so on , sell products that can be purchased from CSUSA and PSI and others and I think that you guys should be the first places mentioned when someone posts a "Where can I buy?" question , but lately that has not been the case . That is who my post is aimed at , the newer members that either don't know or worse don't care that our vendors gave of their time and products to make the Birthday Bash a success , and have been doing these things for a long time .
I don't expect everyone who reads this post to respond to it , but I did expect a better turn out then has been shown so far . What I was hoping for is that people will think a minute before sending people to outside vendors who have the same products as our vendors .
This post was not aimed at anybody in particular , just a general rant at the fact that we should support our own .
Ok I'll put away my soapbox .
Butch - while I agree about supporting fellow IAP members I think you are dead wrong on most your other points.

You accuse new members of not being supportive of IAP, or worse, not caring about IAP vendors, just because they recommend a non-IAP vendor! Just because they may not know what everyone here sells but do know of a source outside IAP does not mean they do not support IAP. They are participating. I thought THAT was the goal here. You certainly are not making the new members feel welcome and supporting them in their efforts to particpate here.

You specifally mention CSUSA and PSI as outside vendors who should only be recommended after IAP members. Funny thing is, I believe CSUSA donated prizes to the Birthday Bash.

SUPPORT is a two way street. If we want more vendors supporting IAP then we need to support more vendors with purchases.
I Concur.

Butch, my gripe is that if you look at the posts that really are important, there are about 80 or so views for each response, far to many just lurk and don't offer any thing constructive, I don't know whether it's because they are afraid they might stick their foot in their mouth, or sound dumb, but if they belong to the IAP then they should participate, look at the fund raisers, it seems like the usual suspects are the ones that carry the load all the time. We've had a tremendous influx of new members, but they seem to be a silent majority,WHY ?[size=-3] Cav hasn't eschewed any ones grammatical errors in months,[/size] (which in it's self is frightening) I'm in total agreement I did a tiny little 7 hour show Saturday, there were two other wood turners, one lady had some of the finest bowls and platters I have seen, and two kids from a Religious group, I tried explaining to these kids what a great organization we had, (also why they needed to quit selling their work so cheap), but that's a topic for a different forum.
I wish people that are members would take more interest and help shape things, they can contribute just by responding to posts like yours, I wasn't taking any offense or thinking that you were pointing a finger, but you're dead right, nearly any thing you need other than a few kits are available right here, and some are only available here.
I guess I'll climb down as well.
OOOps I slipped and busted my butt again.
I have been a member for over a year and a . I buy for IAP vendors for most of my wood turning things, both pens and other things. I feel that I participate well. Yet I also understand how intimidating it can be sometimes when a few dominate a thread, use sarcasm or get real grumpy about a topic. I often reads most of the threads, but don't always comment because that would mean I couldn't go to work as it takes so much time.
I think that sometimes it takes people a while to feel comfortable enough to participate. A lot of you have been here for a long time and understand each other humor and know what everyone sells. I think encouraging people to support our vendors and posting when you get something good from someone will do more to encourage people to buy IAP and not scare them off for fear of doing something wrong.
I don't post much but I feel I must respond to Ken. I am one of those lurkers you that you are complaining about. If it was not for IAP I probably would not be making pens today because after a few times of taking a wood blank and pen kit to make a plain slimline it got boring. Now I spend at least an hour a day on IAP and gotten so many good ideas I enjoy penmaking and am always looking for new challenges. I want to thank everyone that does post all of the great ideas and if I ever have any original ideas I will be happy to post them but everything I know I have learned from others on here. One other reason a lot of the silent majority may not post could be they have one of the same problems I do,my typing is by the hunt and peck method.Someone who can type would do this message in just a minute where it has taken me 30 minutes. I agree with supporting the IAP as it is a great resource I just don't have a lot to contribute online but I will be passing along all the great info I learn here at our local chapter meetings.For those of you posting keep up the good work. A lot of us lurkers really appreciate you. Don
I haven't been here long, and I probably read much more than the few posts I have indicate, however I'd like to throw in my two cents. I've bought some supplies from some individuals on the board and from at least one business and I'm really not too picky as to where I give my business too. However, unlike a lot of people who have been here for a while, I really can't find any way of seeing which companies have given to IAP or help to support it. Other than JohnnyCNC which I've gotten a few things from, how is a new member supposed to know which companies support the IAP?

It could be (most likely is) something that I am just missing, but when I look in the business classified sections, I see a lot of stuff, but it isn't really that easy to sort through. Perhaps a sticky post of some sort with businesses that support IAP and what services they offer? I've been relegated to ordering my kits from Woodcraft when I have a chance to drive up there, because honestly, I don't know where else to go. I've ordered a few from woodnwhimisies, but other than that, there are a lot of sellers out there and very few ways to distinguish between them.
Butch - As a pen maker (first) and a supplier (second), I will say that the members of our forum are very supportive. If not, most of us would/could not have expanded our offerings. When I arrived on the scene nearly five years ago, it was rare to find anyone selling anything other than the major supply houses. Now we have wood suppliers, kit suppliers, resin suppliers and even NIB suppliers!

The support of the folks on the forum is fantiastic! For those of you who are new and want to know who goes a bit beyond the norm in support of the site, visit the Most Valued Vendors forum. Jeff has a write up of the purpose and a list of the vendors.

Thanks for the shout out, Butch, and for everyone's support!
OK , someone asked me so I have a question to Jeff or somebody in the know . Is there a way to index the vendors to make it a little easier to find things that people are looking for with the search feature . I have to admit while it works better then most search features on other forums that I frequent it still is kinda hard , especially for the newer members to format the correct search phrases to get a usable response . I know that the classifieds are a dynamic area of the forum but I would think that some kind of sub header or something might help . Any ideas ?
Lou , the links page is great but only if you know what the links page is and from most of the "Where can I get ???" posts I have seen , most don't . How about a "Where can I buy ???" link box on the front page ? . I'm just trying to make it easier for people , especially the newer members , to find you guys .
........and even NIB suppliers!

.....visit the Most Valued Vendors forum. .......!

Someone here sells nibs?:eek::biggrin:

About the MVV forum. I haven't been selling stuff for yonks so there is no need for me to be on the list anymore. I'm unlikely to sell anything here in the future either, so Jeff please remove my name. I know it was invitation only but I could think of a couple of very likely candidates that perhaps should be on it.:wink:
I think right now the easiest way to find something in the classifides is to go to Forums and then click BUY SELL SWAP at the top and then do a search. By doing it this way it will search ALL the classified ads. You can also do an advanced search and specify the Forum you want to look in. I believe you can hi-lite multiple forums this way as well.

Of course, for a newbie who isn't familiar with the site this is not a good solution as they will not know to do this.

Would it be possible to add a search function that would only search the classifides or vendors?
Just another thought . It would be very helpful if the people who post pens in the SOYP forum would include who they buy their supplies from . I know it's extra work but quite often people ask "Where did you buy those Nibs? or Where did you buy that Burl?" and it would make it easier to find supplies if the people viewing the pens had that information at hand . It would really help the Lurkers out there buy through the forum and the fear of having to ask a question would be gone .
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