Sunday picnic postponed?

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Local Chapter Manager
Mar 25, 2005
Racine, WI, USA.
There's this park in town, on an island in the river. Water flows by on both sides, very relaxing.

So, people rent it for a day during the weekend, invite their friends and have a little party. (All not too unusual).

Well, this past weekend, some "big spender" even had the local tent company erect a TENT top, in case of inclement weather, you know.

I think the weather was more inclement than they might have anticipated.


For reference, the tent top flaps are 8.5 feet off the ground. Amazingly, the ropes seem to be holding -- well, maybe NEXT month!!!

There are many pictures like this, but this had the best depth reference I could find and no one's home was involved (in the picture).

WE are fine. My home is not really in Racine, and my business is a couple miles from the rivers. Couple inches of water in the basement at the office, no big deal.
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What ever you do, don't let Dawn to go down into the basement!!!! With water that deep she is likely to drown. [}:)]

Glad you guys are ok. ;)
I wish you folks would be kind enough to send just an inch or so to the south, First we get so much rain my garden got put in nearly a month late. Now it's withering away from lack of rain, However I still believe the former President Bush that Global warming is a lot of bunk. I also believe in Alien abductions and the Tooth Fairy[:eek:)][:eek:)]
Originally posted by ed4copies

I knew that (not at that PARTICULAR moment, but in general!!):D:D

Ha!!!! A trick question heh??? You can't fool me[}:)]
Ok, what am I generally doing when I'm awake at 4am?
At my ripe old age, the only reason for me to be up at that ungodly hour is when I need to find the loo:(

Now, when I was younger........[}:)]:D
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