Suggestions for green segmenting material (besides the dyed veneer sheets)

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Sly Dog

Nov 16, 2018
Boise, Idaho
Hi folks:

Awhile back I made a pen for friend of Basque heritage and attempted to incorporate the Basque flag (red with white and green intersecting bars) in the cap. Photos of the blank and cap are attached. I used maple for the white cross pieces and jammed three pieces of dyed green veneer into the saw kerf for the other pieces, which looks...well...just okay in my opinion. I wonder if any of you have better ideas for the green part. I do not have a vacuum set up to penetrate dye deep into wood; was just wondering if there are other materials I could use to cut width of my saw kerf, or resources for thicker pieces of dyed wood.


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You can buy plastic sheets (file card size) at BearToothWoods. . I think they are about 0.025" thick.
You could make some paper Micarta using quality card stock that has a colored core. Most card stock has a white core, this is NOT what you are wanting. You want solid colored core paper.

Or you could dye wood veneer and glue it up to the thickness you want. But the dye has to go through the veneer, maybe an alcohol leather dye??? Maple veneer, soaked for a day or 2 should soak through. Fiebings alcohol based dye would be my choice to try. NOT the oil based dye.
Geez, you guys were up late! Thank you Mal. John, Dogcatcher. Colored card stock, plastic sheets (looks like the Juma plastic sheets are fairly thick) and I will give some of them a try. 👍🏻
Someone interested in creating a listing of good suppliers?
Sure, I'll take on that chore. In the next few days I'll start a list from the IAP relevant threads, and do my own searches. I'll also start another thread for suggestions.
Try these links:

Thank you John!
I will add to the list if you are looking for segmenting spacer material. I have used so many over the years. I will look through some of my saves. Look under "plastic sheets" use on occassion but not recently My favorite, look under "sheets" another favorite This is my favorite for metals such as aluminum sheets if we are adding that to the list. Another metal source I use alot Another metal source I use alot

Then there is Home Depot for metals along with Lowes. Can get copper and aluminum and brass. Flashing as well as bars or plates. Can also get plastic siding in colors. favorite for pickguard materials I use this seller alot for actual guitar picks that make nice insert material also

These are some of the dealers and vendors I use for inlay materials in my pens. You can always cut woods from blanks or boards as well as acrylics. You can dye woods such as maples to give you different looks. You can find many vendors on ebay that sell items that can be used as inlay material. Use none or any amount for the list if you like. I have used and ordered from each and every one of these companies and never had a problem. Some go back many years so not sure if things changed. But my contribution along with the ones I posted before this list.
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