Substitute for Slimline band?

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Mar 15, 2017
Cleveland, TN
Anticipate doing some Slimline pens in the near future but looking for something a bit different to dress up the pen. I have tons of wood blanks and synthetic blanks. Do you use wood which would be small or metal of some kind? Thanks.
Also have Don Ward's book which has some ideas, too. They eliminate the band.
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I think the first two pens I ever made were Slimline from the kits. Everything I have made since uses a Slimline kit but a Comfort Center Band that I bought separately from Woodturningz. The Comfort center band uses a 0.420" inch diameter bushing instead of the standard Slimline center bushing (0.336). In addition to providing a little thicker pen. They also have a little bit of detail to them that (in my opinion) makes the look a little nicer than the typical slimline center band. Woodturningz also sells some fancier Slimline Jewel Center bands, but I have never seen one in person.

I've also made some of the modified Slimline pens that are all one piece of wood, but I never did like the look of the finished product. Although I've never done it, I'm sure there are lots of turners that have made custom wood and "acrylic" center bands for the Slimline kits. For me, I'll just stick to the Comfort center bands. - Dave
Consider a modification. These are a short learning curve and quite easy after the first 2-3. Don's book is superb.

You can pretty much use anything that can be drilled and glued on. Wood, resin, metal, Corian, Truestone, antler, even an inlay if you want to get fancy with it. Don't overlook the simple things. A plain piece of wood can be dressed up nicely with a couple/few wire burned grooves, too. Whatever you use, It would look better with a tenon.
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