Well, finally I have started getting back to a few pen projects I've been working on. I'm still alive and at some point need to stop adding new things to my plate. I'm taking all the time I can now to get into the shop as I will have a little Johnathan Jr. in about 9 weeks to add to the family! and my pen time will again be slowed down.
Here is what I've been working on, if you know someone that is expecting, this is the perfect gift! It's pretty funny and lucky, I'm still alive after having said some of them.
Here are a some of my favorites:
1. " I just hope the baby doesn't look like the cable guy."
2. " Why are you so moody?"
3. " So what do I get out of all this?"
4. " Wow, should you really be eating that?"
5. " I think if it were me, I could handle a natural birth."
6. " Don't worry, you have wide child-bearing hips, you'll be fine."
Check it out -
Hope you all enjoy and I'll get some pens posted this next week, also, just to clarify, I was not stupid enought to actually say all of these...just some.....
Here is what I've been working on, if you know someone that is expecting, this is the perfect gift! It's pretty funny and lucky, I'm still alive after having said some of them.
Here are a some of my favorites:
1. " I just hope the baby doesn't look like the cable guy."
2. " Why are you so moody?"
3. " So what do I get out of all this?"
4. " Wow, should you really be eating that?"
5. " I think if it were me, I could handle a natural birth."
6. " Don't worry, you have wide child-bearing hips, you'll be fine."
Check it out -
Hope you all enjoy and I'll get some pens posted this next week, also, just to clarify, I was not stupid enought to actually say all of these...just some.....