I don't know why I feel compelled to tell the stupid things I do. But here goes, I was about to put the first coat of thin CA on a pen. I had the paper towel in my left hand and the SA in my right. When I looked at the tip of the bottle it looked like it might be plugged. For some dumb reason I held the bottle near my ear and was going to give it a tiny little itty bitty squeeze to listen for air coming out. Well, there must have been some CA in the nozzle because it sprayed at me with a few spots in front of my ear and a few on my shirt. Not that big of deal, I thought I would take acetone to it later. I just tried to take off my glasses and they are glued to my hair and I think all the way to the skin. Now I have to wait for my lovely bride to get home to help me get the CA cleaned off.