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I don't know if I could bring myself to buy anything off Temu. I feel I'd be doing a grave disservice to the American companies I prefer to buy from if I did. Not to mention, for most things, Temu quality is barely above "rice paper that dissolves in water" for most things...
Temu is not a company I will deal with - don't care for their security reputation for handling of personal financial information regardless of their country of origin or quality. Coming from a career in data security, I find some things just aren't worth the chance. YMMV.
I wrote this thread with tongue in cheek because of the recent discussion about how cheap people sell these type pens on ebay. This maybe one of the reasons they can do this. Finished pen at that price is ridiculous in our world but here is an example of it can be had. This is not the only kit or pen you can buy. They have others. So when comparing yourself on etsy and ebays of the world and you want to sell your pens do not assume they are selling the same pens you are. That is all this post was about. How bad this company is or not is a topic for someone else.
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