.... ALL the pen pictures were from PSI, CSUSA, or others. ...........The site had NO pens actually made by the owner. The first time I saw the site, the pictures were just listed. Now I see the pen pictures have an added note like 'photo curtesy of PSI.'...........
Rangertrek, I'll answer your question first cause it seems to be my site you are referring to. Yes, I did have just the images there, then yesterday I add the courtesy of... to them because I was being accused of "stealing" the pics when I do have permission to use them. And yes, I do have pic of MY OWN pens there, you just didn't look close enough.
Seems I've struck a nerve of a few people... hmmm... but for all that wanna know, I do have permission to have their pics there.
Now as far as some of you that think it's wrong to have "someone else's work there..." The way I was looking at it was somewhat like Rob was, If it's not listed, how the hell you gonna sell it? Yea, I know what your answer is.. make it then you can sell it... well what if I make it and what if a customer comes along that wants THAT type of pen but in Red Mallee and all you have is it in Cocobolo? Are you going to have EVERY pen made in EVERY finish? don't think so Tim... So the way I see it, ALL my pens are custom made to the customers specs... no inventory so it doesn't just set there and gather dust.... Once I get an order for a certain pen type I haven't got a pic of yet or turned, I'll order at least 5 kits, one each of the metal finishes and two of the one they ordered ... I'll make theirs and have "kit" inventory for the next or in case I do not get a good pic for my website (as what happened to the last one, had to deliver before I got a good pic) I'll make another one for the pic replacement... ...And no, I do not have boo-koos of dollars lying around to buy each and every kit available to have all pics be mine. That's gonna take time and yes dollars. As stated in another thread, I will be replacing them as I make them.
As far as deceiving the customer (pic shows well made pen and my pens are junk) Well... I am somewhat of a nitpic on what I WILL sell to the customer... If it isn't up to standards, overturned-underturned etc, then it's not being sold.. I have sold quite a few pens from my site already and all of the customers have commented that my pens are perfect! you know.... when they first see it in person they go.... WOW!!! They comment that it looks much better in person than it does on my site (meaning the pics on my site.) so that in itself tells me something about my work.
Now I'm not saying all my pens are perfect... cause they aren't, I have quite a few actually that are MY everyday users... These are my oops pens and will not be sold to anyone ...
As most of you, All I will sell my customers is my BEST work. And also, most everyone of you had to start somewhere in selling your pens. This is how I did it, offering the customer everything I had to offer (or wanted to make and sell) so far, it's worked for me, no complaints yet (by customers anyway.. LOL)
AND the reason I put "image courtesy of ... " on the pics was because I was getting so much flack from IAP members saying I was "stealing" the images.....
...good grief... can't win for loosing...
OK, I'll step down now..... I'm out...