Stick to it!!??

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Apr 5, 2009
After reading a recent unrelated thread about glue problems, i pondered all the times i have glued myself to things in my shop. Then i pondered what all have other people glued themselves to, and who all has done it.

So how about it?
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First thought that comes to mind about glue..

Why hasn't someone figured out that the way to eliminate glue failures is to
coat the tubes with skin cells from your fingers? Seems like a no-brainer
to me .. :tongue:
1.5 oz of CA spilled out onto the floor last week. Because I took the applicator lid off Dropped it at some point. And the I stood in the pile of it Idle for 10 min assembling pens wearing a pair of rubber Crocs. Yea I WAS STUCK..... BIG TIME.... I had to tear the shoe of the floor. Ripping up the Clearcoat epoxy and painted surface as well. Now I have a big ugly spot in my floor.
I almost glued myself to an area where I wouldn't have been able to sit down until I got some debonder. Never ever scratch anything when working with CA glue. I also almost gave myself a finger mustache after rubbing my nose due to the CA fumes.
A friend of mine in dental school was using Eastman Glue (an early name I think I have right for CA) to glue a dental cast back together. He managed to glue his thumb and fore finger together. (Imagine an "A OK" sign. :curse:

We didn't know anything about debonders, so he checked out a scapel to cut himself free. You guessed it, he cut one finger, jumped and cut the other finger. Two bandaids later, he was able to give another sign :eek::biggrin::eek: at all of us who were laughing our a**es off at him!

I always end up getting really stupid. when I realize I've just stuck my fingers together you usually have a second to rip them apart before it really hurts. Then you wipe off your hands on your jeans or apron and guess what? Here's your sign dumbA$$!
This was posted in the YAHOO Penturners group some years ago. Name with-held to protect the innocent.

After a week of dealing with a "honey-do" list as long as your leg, I finally got some time in the shop this evening to make some sawdust. It "turned" out to be a night for lessons . . .

1. I learned that the nib on the pen MUST be aligned correctly before you try to press it into the lower pen barrel. Failure to do this will result in an egg-shape at the end of the tube and split wood.

2. I learned that if you put too much CA glue on the tenon when gluing on the center ring of a Euro stye pen, the glue gooshes out onto the ring and nicely finished pen. Trying to wipe it off only makes the situation worse.

3. I learned that you can put a pen ruined by #2 above back on the mandrel and actually turn the brass center ring off! Then an extra ring can be glued on with a lesser amount of CA glue.

4. I learned that no matter how full your hands are, ALWAYS take the cap off the CA glue with your fingers. NEVER EVER use your teeth to remove the cap.

5. I learned that if you choose to ignore #4 above, NEVER EVER just hold the CA glue cap in your lips while you apply the glue!

6. I learned that even though a person's tongue is wet with saliva, CA glue will STILL adhere very well to it . . . AND . . . will adhere the wet tongue to the inside of the bottom lip . . . AND . . . will adhere to the old, dried glue on the CA glue cap!

7. I learned that frantically attempting to spit out a CA glue cap that is glued in your mouth is pointless - as well as very difficult when your tongue is glued to you lower lip!

8. I learned that after CA glue has bonded to your skin, acetone will not cause the glue to release.

9. I learned that I hate the taste of acetone - not to mention that it really burns one's tongue and lips if it comes in contact with them.

10. I learned that by the time you get hardened CA glue off of your lip, you will look like you have a large fever blister!

11. I learned that my wonderful wife, who loves me deeply, will laugh uncontrollably at me when I really need her help.
I hate it when the CA soaks through the paper towel and begins to cure on your finger tip, You can't get the darned thing off fast enough and it gets awfully hot.
This thread reminds me of an incident on a Jeep Forum I was on a few years ago......

Seems that one of our more industrous individuals was using POR-15 (I think that's what it was) to line the inside of his Jeep to water proof it. That stuff will make a mess of your clothes so you better wear ones you don't care about! On a properly prepared surface this stuff last practically forever!!!

Well, he was out in the back of his house/property doing all this work, quincing his thurst with a beer or two along the way......well, nature calls......didn't want to interrupt his work to go in to the house, so he went to the bushes nearby......well, he didn't realize that his hand had POR-15 all over it (it has a tendency to do that when you work with it)......well it was reported back to us that it really caused a comotion with the emergency responders when it was reported that he was stuck to his "hutus" (his words....) Took some time to remove hand from same.....

So this was his cautionary tale......when using POR-15 to always wear gloves and remove them and make sure your hands are clean....BEFORE....using the restroom!!! It took him a long time to live that one down!!!

I was gluing up a somewhat complicated segmented pen blank a few years ago and the CA ran through most of the joints I was trying to hold together. Ended up having all five appendages of my left hand and thre from my right stuck to the blank.

LOML couldn't quit laughing as she was applying the acetone.

I now use jigs for these glue-ups.
I learned to use gloves whenever using CA, Then I avoid most of the other learning experiences posted in this thread.:biggrin:
Glued my hand to the workbench once. You can only stretch so far to reach the debonder.

Dale, what did you do that taught you to wear gloves?

I read all the posts of people gluing their hands to various objects and thought, there has to be a better way:biggrin:
gloves and either a small parts bag on your finger tip or a small piece of wax paper under the paper towel will stop this.
I hate it when the CA soaks through the paper towel and begins to cure on your finger tip, You can't get the darned thing off fast enough and it gets awfully hot.
To me, wearing the stuff we work with is half the fun! It is a challenge for me to not wear CA in some form.

I wanted everyone else to have a crack at the list before i added a few of my "Bonding Experiences"..

In my early penmaking days, i would squeeze several drops of medium or thick CA inside a blank, and insert and rotate the tube. There would usually be a bubble of CA at one end of the blank, and i knew nothing of base wax, potato, or the other tube stoppers. I would just "blow" the CA out the other end. One night i found out that sometimes, the CA comes out the top too. Well, like the song says.. "If you're gonna be dumb, you gotta be TOUGH." It was much easier to rip the blank from my lip than to ask SWMBO to stop laughing, so she never found out exactly what the nasty sore on my mouth was from!

I have a running list of stuff i have been glued to. It happens so often to me, It has become easier to react and remove. I also keep gauze and duck tape in the shop! :)
Two weeks ago when getting supplies out of my Plastic toolbox I noticed that a 2 oz bottle of CA burst and leaked all over the bottom of the box. I managed to save pretty much everything that was in there except a razor knife that was glued to the bottom....I tried and tried to pry it loose but no go...the box went into the trash with the razor knife still attached :).

I also managed to get some CA specks on my eyeglasses.....any ideas on how to remove them? I have tried soaking in water overnight and even getting finger nail polish remover but that didn't work. I may have to try straight acetone but worry it may ruin the plastic lense.

I also managed to get some CA specks on my eyeglasses.....any ideas on how to remove them? I have tried soaking in water overnight and even getting finger nail polish remover but that didn't work. I may have to try straight acetone but worry it may ruin the plastic lense.


The acetone will do a number on the plastic lenses.

The good news is that CA will polish up nicely :tongue:
I hate it when the CA soaks through the paper towel and begins to cure on your finger tip, You can't get the darned thing off fast enough and it gets awfully hot.

I never use a paper towel to apply CA, because it soaks through the towel,:eek: burns like H**L :frown: and you wind up with paper towel glued to your finger :redface:which is now severely burnt and hurting like the dickens.:biggrin:

Rubber/Nitrile gloves don't work any better... you wind up with a hole in the finger where the paper towel stuck to the glove and you pulled it away - along with a portion of the glove finger, the glue has soaked through the paper towel and burns like H**L.:biggrin:
Personally, one time when I spilled a bunch of CA glue on my hand, I solved the problem of not finding myself glued to something (like many other turners on this thread) by doing the oh-so smart thing... yep, I sprayed accelerant on my hand, so that it would just harden before I was stupid enough to touch anything! (Ummm... can you say burns worse than anything I've ever experienced and I'd have traded ANYTHING to have ONLY found myself glued to my lathe???)
this is an awesome thread!

I had my second ever experience with gorilla glue this evening. Luckily it is slow enough that i didn't glue myself to anything, but i have 14 blank halves that go to 6 Euro's and 1 slimline that are ALL glued to the large parts bags.

I set all my drying kits on my tablesaw. I layed the kit bags on the saw, and then glued up the blanks. I put each set of blanks with it's matching kit. I just went in there to clean up a bit and check the progress, and VIOLA! blanks stuck to bags! This stuff expands like foam in a can!
I also managed to get some CA specks on my eyeglasses.....any ideas on how to remove them? I have tried soaking in water overnight and even getting finger nail polish remover but that didn't work. I may have to try straight acetone but worry it may ruin the plastic lense.


Acetone will ruin the plastic. I just used a fingernail. My hubby got CA on his and was going to try MM but I tried my fingernail first and the little dots popped right off.
Headband on my face shield broke, no problem, little bit of CA and I'm good to go.
It didn't dry as quick as I expected it to.
Luckily I don't mind wearing my hair short.
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