Starting to Segment

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Feb 26, 2006
Nashville, TN

I am going to try to learn how to do the segmenting. I have a quick question, where do you get the aluminum to go between the segment? I can do other wood or the veneer, but I do not know where to find this....

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Jon David Jones
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Thanks for the responses.....when I was trying to do the carbon fiber blanks, I used the wife's shears. She wasn't very happy when they were returned dull and full of ca glue lol
I was of course jokeing about the wife's shears. Go to HF and buy the super shears to cut metal. They are inexpensive. They are a larger size shears with orange grips. Jim S
So how does it look? First segmented pen.....African Blackwood with Bloodwood on a Jr a Retro Rhodium kit.


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That's a great 1st segmented pen. I'd have never guessed that was your 1st. I'd only make 1 comment. You have segments the blackwood at each end of each barrel, but they are different sizes from barrel to barrel. I think it would have looked a little more balanced to have them all the same size, or have the ones in the middle the same, and the ones on each end the same. However, that's strictly a design opinion, and not a criticism of your work at all. I love the colors of the wood together. That's a great choice on the materials. Did you do a custom finial?

Oh, what happened to the aluminum? :wink:
Thanks Bob, I agree with you. I tried to measure to where they would not be the same. I am leaning my sander and making a square. I haven't tried the final piece yet. I am trying to learn this and get straight lines and get to measurement. As you can see with the first top, it was all over the place. I think that was a result of the barrel trimmer and my goal is to get it to where I don't have to use that. My next one will have the aluminum in it. I have the wood laid out and I was planning on gluing everything tonight depending on how work goes today.

Thanks for all of the help and kind words.
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