Started Chemo Today

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Mar 25, 2008
Rimersburg, Pa, USA.
Hi everyone, Well I finally started chemo today. I havent posted anything lately. I had to go back for more surgery 2 weeks ago. Had a pet scan so I could start chemo and they found another lymphnod that was cancerous. So had it removed so ehe chemo is just to flush out the small stuff if there is any. Chemo went very well today but they said it will take a day or two for it to hit me. Hopefully not hard. So keep posting Im on here all the time. Have learned so much this winter and cant wait to try some different things.
Thanks Eveyone Rich H
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Rich, you hang tough. The mental/emotional/spiritual part is more powerful than any medicine they can give you. I'm sending affirmative thoughts right now.


Hang in there. My prayers are with you. I went through that in 2001. Just make sure you drink plenty of fluids.

My thoughts and prayers are with you. Just remember, the will of God will not take you where the grace of God cannot keep you.

Positive thoughts Rich. I saved a card I once recieved in the hospital. Maybe this proverb will also inspire you. "The path will wait while you take the stone from your shoe......"
Thanks Everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I am felling okso far today but I was told tomorrow it should hit me. And we are praying that its not too hard. Was in the shop for a littlewhile today but got tired quick so came back in. Thanks Again Rich H
Hope that the after effects of the chemo are light. Keep yourself well hydrated that helps and if you get nauseous there are great meds to help with that side effect. Be kind to yourself, nap a lot and this too shall pass.
I'm sure by now the Chemo has started its work. My sister just went through it and said the 2nd and 3rd day after the treatments were the worst. She came through fine and I'm sure you will too. Keep a good attitude as I'm confident that will help more than anything.
Wishing you all the best... keeping good thoughts for you.
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