I know a number of you have built the “Stars & Stripes†pen kit, I’ve seen you pictures! Mine did not look like the finished ones I have seen, mine looks like crap [V]. I took my time and followed the directions to a T. Even reread them several times after to figure out what I did wrong. My stripes do not lay flush with the slots cut in the bottom blank, some do but some don’t. ¾ of the strip will be fine but 1 or 2 swirls are not flush. My stars, my stars, about 80% look good but the rest are not flush on 1,2 or 3 points of the stars. I used watered down yellow glue to soften the wood. Rolled the stripes in with the handle of my knife. I cleaned the star holes with the tip of the knife just to remove the burnt stuff. I installed the stars “clean side†down and mashed them in with the back of the blade. Now that I’m done, I ask for you help . What’s the trick [?]