Stadium Pen Blanks

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Old Goat

Nov 29, 2022
Rochester, IL
Has anyone had issues with Stadium Pen Blanks and getting responses? A couple of weeks ago I ordered blanks from Busch Stadium (Cardinals) and Wrigley Field (Cubs) and got them in few days later. The Busch Stadium blank and COA were fine and I've already put it on a pen, but I got a Wrigley Field COA and a blank from Cameron Indoor Stadium (Duke U - Floor), not Wrigley. I mailed him back last week and called and left a message on Monday - but still have not had a response. I have a great event next weekend in Central Illinois where there a loads of Cub fans so I really need that blank. I don't want to bash any business because there might be an easy explanation and I was planning on buying more from him, but a little concerned now.
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I've ordered from him many times and the communication is definitely hit or miss. I typically order at least 3 weeks before I need the items. If you are in a bind and need a wrigley field blank I may have an extra I bought from him.
I read in a different thread that he has been going through some personal stuff, that and being pretty much a one man business, with traveling to and from shows and all, I can imagine that sometimes things get a little hectic. I hope he makes his way through everything okay. He offers some very unique products. I especially like his Magic Juice polishing system and the amazing diversity of blanks. I bought some from Rosenblatt Stadium that was taken down clear back in 2011. - Dave
Thanks all and I got hold of him today (he's still on the road). Won't get the blank in in time for my Clinton event, but I have another in Decatur a few weeks later (only 20 mile difference). I knew this group was much better to get some help than just going on Facebook and griping to the world.
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