Spring warning!

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Russell Eaton

Sep 9, 2009
Stockbridge GA.
A picture is all that's needed. This afternoon while mowing the grass:eek:. On the first trip by he was at 2 1/2' and that was close enough. Enjoy Russell


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Great pic. I haven't seen one in the wild for years. But, you can keep it just the same... :biggrin:
penblanks on the hoof... er well, belly anyway. So, how far did he get before you caught him? Got the skin pinned out yet?
I don't have the required "toys" to cast with. I did git jake the snake some Browning lead based lotion, I thought that was the least I could do. LOL
Thought so, but the closest I've been to one is when watching Nature on CPTV! :eek:
Sorry, I just realized my last post was missing the ????? It was supposed to be a guess. My bad...
Are you sure its a rattler? Have one drying in my shop that some guys at work killed( i dont kill them myself) while yelling "COPPERHEAD, COPPERHEAD! but i think its a banded water snake. Most of the people i work with say they are afraid of 3 things. A live snake, a dead snake, and a stick that looks like a snake.
Are you sure its a rattler? Have one drying in my shop that some guys at work killed( i dont kill them myself) while yelling "COPPERHEAD, COPPERHEAD! but i think its a banded water snake. Most of the people i work with say they are afraid of 3 things. A live snake, a dead snake, and a stick that looks like a snake.
After a REAL CLOSE EXAM it is a banded water snake.
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